A literotic sexstories: Feast of the Flesh by Chagrin ,
The woman was naked otherwise, but could camouflage her pink-white skin simply by knowing where to hide. She hid in the tall grass, in trees, and in the muddy waters of swamps.
She knew how to hunt. You could tell not only by the fact that she always brought back an animal to the village, but while she was waiting for prey, as well. Her beautiful face was always pinched while squinting and waiting, and you could see concentration in her emerald eyes. She had a medium auburn head of curly hair, which flowed down past her shoulders.
Though she was concentrating, an observer would note that she was still incredibly beautiful. She had no lines upon her face at all. In fact, her entire body was beautifully curved. Due to her prowess as a hunter, she was ever so slightly chiseled, with athletic legs, leading up to her smooth, non-protruding vaginal lips, with the smallest tuft of pubes. Her arse transitioned a wonderful roundness to connect her legs and back smoothly. Her stomach was slender, and her breasts were beautiful: smooth but firm, and perfectly round.
Any man, civilized or not, could set eyes upon this striking twenty-something Amazonian, and be instantly in love.
But now was not the time for love. Now was the time to hunt.
She crouched lower, looking through the bush. A jaguar had just slinked into view. The jaguar itself was also hunting. But who would be the victor in this game?
The jaguar sniffed the air, and shot its head up. Had it sensed her smell? No, the breeze was moving the jaguar’s scent to her. The jaguar turned its head to the left, believing that it had found its prey. Perhaps it had, but it would never find out for sure.
The woman jumped from her crouch, and gripped her spear in both hands. She did not scream or yell – she never did – but learned to always remain silent. The jaguar, however, growled, and tried, much too late, to slash her with its claws. The woman was much too quick, however, and her spear blade had come slashing down. With its reach, the woman was unharmed, and the jaguar suffered a slice to the jugular. It wailed on the ground for only a moment, before the creature fell silent with the grip of death.
The woman did not look strong, but amazingly was. She could be strong if she had to, such as in this case, where she was required to drag the 200 pound beast to the village. Yet, she could also be extremely gentle, such as at the feast that would take place later today.
The woman put her spear into its slots and dragged the dead jaguar for a solid half-hour to the center of the village as was needed, and exhaustedly laid upon the ground, using the animal as a cushion. The woman lay upon the jaguar, sweating and breathing heavily, waiting for a small man to leave an equally small hut and greet her.
The man came out in a minute’s time, smiling broadly. His large round stomach mismatched his width. His short hair was black and unkempt, waving out where it could. He was surprised to see this particular woman back in the village so fast, while the others were still out hunting, and applauded as he drew near. Usually this particular woman took as long as possible to hunt, preferring to stalk her prey, but today, she was in no mood.
“Trimi, is it truly you?” the man asked merrily in his Amazonian tongue as he unfastened and removed the quiver for her.
“It is,” replied Trimi, rolling onto her back when the man had finished.
“How wonderful! The men will be especially pleased.”
For many generations, the quickest huntress was given a special treat during the feast: after eating, she would receive the great honor of having sex with nearly every man in the village in succession, with the exception of children too young, and the village council. The fat man, fortunately, was on the village council. In fact, he was in charge of overseeing festivities and games. Trimi was glad that she would not have to have sex with him, but still considered him a good friend.
“I was hoping that I would get here first,” Trimi mentioned, “I’ve have wanted to have sex all week now.”
“Well, then, I am delighted that you have gotten your way,” the man smirked.
Trimi, unfortunately, could not have sex any time she wanted. She was a huntress, not a child bearer. Only child bearers were allowed to have sex whenever they liked, unless they were pregnant or nursing, but they were only allowed to have vaginal intercourse.
Trimi, however, was craving a penis in all holes, and she was to get her wish today. She was proud, actually, of being a huntress, and did not prefer to be a child bearer, mainly because of the “one-hole rule.”
She also gave another reason for being glad that she was not a child bearer: she dreaded the thought of pregnancy. She did not want to lose her sleek huntress form, or go through the pain of labor.
The man spoke, mimicking Trimi’s last line: “I was hoping you would have caught a jaguar, Trimi. I have wanted to have jaguar flesh all week now.”
“You haven’t a need for jaguar flesh, Freo,” Trimi shot back.
Freo laughed, but both turned their heads when they heard grunting from the edge of the forest.
A very large woman was pushing through the tall grass with another jaguar in her arms. The woman slowly walked to where Trimi and Freo were, and dropped the jaguar to the ground. There were no cuts upon the animal. Indeed, the large woman was wearing no straps and holding no weapons. She stood, and wiped sweat from her forehead.
The woman was large in all respects: over six feet tall, and all muscle, she would look exactly like a man, except for her wide, loose pussy, and her low falling breasts.
“Trimi!” the woman said in surprise. “How did you get here so quickly?”
“Motivation, Donde,” was her quick reply.
“I see,” Donde stated, and changed the subject: “This jaguar was a pain to put down. It took a good five minutes of strangling to wear it down.” Donde was fond of using her bare hands on her prey. She often wrestled it before choking it or snapping its neck. Trimi had the suspicion that Donde simply was not skilled in using weapons.
“Anyway,” Donde continued, “I’m glad you’ve got the opportunity this week. I’m still a little sore from last week.” Donde was usually the sex object for the feast, to most of the men’s disappointment. There was only one man who seemed to enjoy Donde, and Donde enjoyed him. The man had the tribe’s largest penis, with a length of over a foot, and a circumference of the same. His balls were a proper match. The man was large anyway, but his penis still made his body small in comparison. And that was really the only one who could satisfy Donde. And last week, the man’s penis had done quite a number on Donde.
Trimi kind of feared that man’s penis, because it seemed like it might hurt her. Indeed, the man’s tribal nickname was simply “The Penis,” and his chief job was raping both women and men when they broke rules.
Other huntresses began to pour in, dragging deer, mostly, and other animals. Some were disappointed, as usual, that they were not the first to enter, but none were really shocked, either. Some showed surprise when Freo told them that Trimi was the huntress of honor this week. Other villagers left their huts, and began to chat with the huntresses and examine their kills.
When all of the huntresses were accounted for, well over three hours later, Freo went to the gong and hit it firmly with a hammer. The sound resonated throughout the village. “Let’s feast!” Freo shouted.
Everyone cheered.
* * *
The food was cooked, the food was served, and now the food was being eaten. With throaty burp, Freo stood and went to the gong, where he banged it again. All chatter stopped immediately.
Freo spoke: “My friends, fellow tribesmen, you are given a special feast tonight! For those not in the know, tonight’s sex object is… Trimi!”
An uproar occurred, during which all of the men in the village shouted and applauded.
Donde was not fazed in the least. She was one of Trimi’s great friends, and she loved to watch her have sex nearly as much as if she was part of the act, too. “Go get ‘em,” Donde said, and patted Trimi on the back. Trimi left the table and stood by the fire. She was still wearing the leather, but had left all of her weapons at the table.
Freo banged the gong once more to quiet everyone down again. Once the cheering had faded, he spoke again. “Tonight is a special treat for Trimi, who has not had sex in nearly two months, but also, the special treat is to all of the men who have wanted to have sex with her!”
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