A literotic sexstories: Neil and Sean by nowhereman ,
Sean realizes he has feelings for Neil than just a friend. He finds himself checking him out and wondering would it would feel like to fuck him.
Neil and Sean were hanging out watching TV on a Thursday night. It had been a long week and they were both looking forward to the weekend. They were roommates and had been living together for almost 2 years, having known each other since they first met in high school during their freshman year.
In high school, Sean was the 6′ 2” athlete with the hot bod that all the girls were in love with. In contrast, Neil was 5’6”, slim, smart and happened to be gay. They first met in English class where they found themselves sitting next to each other. On one occasion, Sean was having trouble with the homework and asked Neil if he wouldn’t mind coming over to his house to study together since he was doing so well. At first, Neil felt he was just another jock trying to use him as a tutor, but he could not resist the opportunity to spend some alone time with him.
The secret was that he had a major crush on him, but he would never dare tell anyone. He was afraid of the consequences. He loved his baby blue eyes with the long wavy hair he wore down to his shoulders. It would drive him crazy when Sean would wear tight jeans to show off his tight athletic ass and showed off his bulge. He had spent so many nights dreaming of being in his arms as they passionately kissed.
The more time they spent together the more he realized he was different. Over the fours years in high school they became really good friends. Neil once asked Sean if he knew he was gay and Sean told him he knew from day one, but that didn’t matter to him. Sean had his jock friends that he would hang out with but everyone knew if you messed around with Neil, Sean would be paying you a visit. The biggest thing Sean despised was people getting bullied. In his mind, there was no reason to bully or tease anyone for what they could not control. ‘He’s gay, so what?’ was his attitude.
It was now six years after high school graduation. They had run off to different Universities, but had always stayed in touch thanks to socila media. They now found themselves sharing a two bedrom apartment and working downtown. Sean was dating Stacey, and had been for almost six months. Neil was in-between boyfriends, after having broken up with his last boyfriend 3 months prior.
Onc thing Sean had always admired about Neil was the fact that he was real. In high school it could’ve been easier to hide the fact that he was gay, but he didn’t. He chose to be himself. That was one of the many reasons they stayed such good friends. For Neil, the fact that Sean had never judged him and had always accepted him for who he was made him love him even more. The fact is that the crush he had for him had turned into platonic love, even though he was still physically attracted to him. He had always been able to seperate the two, although it was getting harder and harder now living as roommates and seeing Sean shirtless around the apartment. At times, he walked around only in this briefs, making it easy for Neil to admire his bulge.
There they were , watching TV, just hanging out on a Thursday night, when Sean asked Neil a question the would eventually change their entire relationship.
“Dude, can I ask you a question?”
“It’s, uh, uh, kinda personal?” he asked nervously, not sure he should even be asking.
“Mmmm….well, how personal is it?” Neil was very interested now.
“Ok. Stacey asked me if I would be willing to shave myself. You know, down there.” he said as he looked down to his crotch to emphasize what he was talking about. Of course, Neil right away knew what he was talking about. There was no need to clarify his question.
“So what’s the problem?”
“Do you do it? Don’t most gay guys shave their nuts?”
“Are you asking if it makes you gay if you shave your cock?”
“Aren’t there shaved guys fucking the girls in porn?” Neil asked. He never minded when Sean asked gay questions, but sometimes he could be so dumb.
“Ok, I get what you’re saying.” He turned his head and went back to watching TV. He couldn’t stop thinking about his conversation with Neil, so when the show was finally over he turned to Neil and just blurted it out.
“Can I see it?”
“Excuse me?”
“Can I see it? You know, your…uh…dick.”
“You wanna see my shaved dick?”
“Yeah…….just for research, of course.”
“Of course.” Neil was not sure how he felt. He felt both excited and confused. Excited that he would be showing his high school crush his cock, but confused that it wasn’t for sex. In the past, when he undressed in front of another guy, it was leading to something special. Nonetheless, he got up and followed Sean.
They made their way to Sean’s room, where Sean sat on the edge of bed and Neil stood in front of him. He started by removing his shirt before he lowered his shorts and his boxers. He just stood there as Sean looked at his cock for about 10 seconds before he told him he could pull his shorts back up.
“You know Sean, you don’t have to shave it all off. You can also just trim it. That might keep Stacey happy. If you don’t mind me asking, does she shave her….”
“Yeah, I thought of that too, but I really don’t know how to do it and yes, she keeps it as smooth as the day she was born.” They both stayed quiet for a moment, as if thinking of a solution to his problem.
“Hey, uh..uh..you don’t…uh…suppose you could..uh…help me out, could you?” Sean was so nervous and Neil could barely hear him. His voice was barely a decibel above a whisper.
“What? You want me to help you manscape?”
“Nevermind, it was a dumb idea,”
“No, it wasn’t and I would be happy to help.” Neil’s heart was racing at 1,000 beats per minute as he told him he would help, trying his best to contain his excitement.
“Yeah. Just stay here and I’ll be right back.” Neil ran off, excited at the thought of finally being able to see him naked or a least partially. The feelings of the secret crush he had for him were starting to surface as he grabbed his shaving kit along with a towel before heading back to Sean rooms. He looked at Sean as he entered the room and thought he looked so cute with a lost look on his face, not sure what he was getting himself into.
“It’s probably best if you lay on the floor, we can always vacuum it up. Lay out on the towel and then you can remove your shorts and lay in your back.” he was so excited that he tried saying it as calmly as possible. Despite his excitement, he knew he needed to stay calm and not let him know how much he was enjoying this.
“Ok.” Sean said as he nervously pulled off his shirt before pulling down his shorts. It was more than Neil could ever have imagined and he could feel his own cock getting hard. Sean had continued exercising after gettng out of school and still had a well-defined physique with a muscular chest, tight abs and toned legs. What Neil saw in front of him was a Roman god with blue eyes, dirty blond hair and a beautifully hanging flacid dick between his legs.
Sean layed down on the towel and looked over to Neil, who could feel his heart beating faster than normal.
“Ok, Neil. All yours.” Neil sat on the floor next to him and only wished that his words were true. He would love it to be his, he would take it into his mouth and enjoy the feel of his friend’s stiff cock. He would take his time to make love to it every single night.
“Ok, Sean. The most important thing to remember is not to move. If you do, a part of you might go missing and Stacey might not like that.”
“Ha, ha….just do what you gotta do.”
For the next half hour, Neil took the clippers and started shaving his pubes, taking every opportunity to touch his friend’s cock, apologizing and telling him it was necessary, even when it wasn’t. He made up any excuse to hold it in his hand and he loved feeling it getting hard. From the very first time Sean felt him hold his cock, he couldn’t help his reaction. He was just hoping that Neil wouldn’t notice. Not a chance.
When it was obvious and his dick was completely hard, swelled with the maximum amount of blood in it, and pointing up, he finally acknowledged it.
“I’m sorry, man. I thnk it got like that with you moving it back and forth. If you want, we can stop.” Secretly, he was hoping he would say no. He wasn’t gay, but he was enjoying the stimulation Neil was giving his cock as he moved it back and forth while shaving him. Stacey had been working late most of the week and they had not had a chance to see each other. Neil’s hand was a welcomed substitute.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s not the first stiff cock I’ve seen.” He joked trying to put his friend at ease. It may have worked too well. He took a risk and grabbed Sean’s cock in his hand, softly wrapping his fingers around his friend’s beautiful fat cock with pronounced veins and a perfect helmet-shaped cockhead. He moved it out of place as ran the clippers over the same spot over and over. He had been done a long time ago, but he could not let go. For Sean, it felt so good that he did not question him.
Neil was going to take advantage of this one-time opportunity. He gripped his friend’s cock tighter and slowly started running his fist up and down his shaft as he pretended to shave him. Although, there was no need for the pretense. Sean’s attention was on Neil’s hand. It felt so good that there could’ve been an earthquake and he would not want him to stop.
Neil looked down and saw the look on Sean’sface. It was obvious he was enjoying what he was doing. His head was tilted back and his lips were parted. Neil dropped his clippers and brought his free hand up to Sean’s fat cock. He loved dating guys with big dicks. He had small hands and loved to double-fist them while he masturbated them.
Bill says
Really intrigued with your erotic friends story.
You put great feeling into it. Left me hoping it was a novel lol. Keep up the erotic good work