Literotic asexstories – My Wife's Girl Friend Ch. 04 by laver1812,laver1812
A few weeks later, when were chatting at the weekend, Louise asked if it would be ok if she brought Emma back after they went out the next time. She said that they missed being with each other, and wanted to spend the night together. I had wondered how long it would be until we got to this stage. They had been going out together for a few months now, and apart from the weekend, they had never had the opportunity to have sex. As usual, my emotions were conflicted. I didn’t like the thought of Louise getting close to someone else, but I couldn’t deny the excitement that I felt at the thought of them both in our bed.
Louise set the ground rules.
“You will make every effort to keep out of our way. When we come home, I want you to be in the spare room, and stay there until she leaves the next morning. I don’t want to see any sign of you own our bedroom, all your clothes must be out of sight, and your things put away. Before we come home, I will want fresh sheets on the bed, and the light left on low. Make sure the house is tidy downstairs, in case we want to sit down there before we go to bed.”
“Anything else?” I asked, sarcastically. “Tea in bed in the morning, for example.”
It went straight over her head. “Actually that might be an idea. Make sure your phone is switched on and charged up, and I’ll text you if we want anything brought in.”
Thursday soon came round. Louise came home, got changed and went out as usual, without a word. After she had gone, I went up to our bedroom, tidied it up, and put fresh sheets on the bed. I even put a small chocolate on each of the pillows for them, and made sure I was in bed well before they came home. I heard the taxi stop outside, and the front door open and close as they came in. There were some low voices downstairs for a while, and then I heard them on the stairs, walking past my door, and into our bedroom next to me. Their voices continued, low and murmuring, and then got quieter. Perhaps they had fallen asleep.
I needed to use the bathroom, so I crept out into the hall. Their door was shut, and there was no light coming out from underneath so I assumed they must be asleep, but as I tip-toed past the room, I heard the low buzzing noise, and recognised Louise’s vibrator. She had only used it a couple of times in front of me, but I was pretty sure it got a lot of use when I wasn’t there, as the stock of batteries that we kept in the cupboard kept getting used up. I stood stock-still, listening at the door, and heard the vibrator’s tone change, imagining it being run up and down against one of them. Was it Louise or Emma? I recognised the low moaning as Louise when it started, she always did that when I started rubbing her. The pants and gasps got louder and then there was a sudden cry, before silence fell. I carried on quietly to the bathroom, realising that I had heard my wife orgasm at the hands of her lover, while I stood outside the door.
My alarm went off the next morning, for me to get ready for work. I wasn’t sure whether Louise wanted me to stay in my room or not, but then I heard our bedroom door open, and the sound of footsteps on the stairs, before the front door slammed, as someone left. Peaking out of the window, I sam Emma’s spiky hair disappear round the corner.
I went next door to find Louise sitting up in bed, nursing a cup of tea. “We had to make our own,” she smiled, “but perhaps I’ll take you up on your offer next time.”
I needed to get to work, and so did she, so, I carried on getting ready. Just before I left, she said, “I will need to have a little chat with you tonight.”
After spending all day wondering act she wanted to talk about, I got home to find her cooking dinner, and the table laid, a bottle of red wine uncorked, and I wondered if she was trying to butter me up me for something. As we eat and exchanged pleasantries, Louise said, “I expect you have been wondering what I wanted to talk to you about? Well the thing is, I want to change our arrangement slightly.”
I motioned for her to carry on.
“It’s worked really well having my Thursday nights with Emma while we were getting to know each other, but now she’s my girl friend I want to take it a stage further. I know you have agreed to have her stay over night, and it worked really well last night.” Her face reddened, “I hope we didn’t keep you awake?”
“Never heard a sound,” I lied. I didn’t want Louise to think I had been listening at the door, which of course, is exactly what I had been doing.
“I want to night our switch to Friday, and for it be a full 24 hours, so that Emma can stay over and we can spend Saturday together before she goes home. She said that she can work that out from her end, as long as she is home for Saturday evening, and I said I would speak to you about us doing the same?”
I thought about what she had said. In a way, it didn’t make any difference, she would still only be seeing Emma one night a week, and I could appreciate that it might be nicer for them to be able to spend a relaxed morning together before Emma had to leave. It would mean, however, that it would cut into our weekend, and would stop us doing so much together. I proposed a compromise. Louise could have every other Friday with Emma, and the rest of the time see her on Thursdays. She wasn’t completely happy with that, but we agreed to give that a go.
“There is one thing though, what do I do on Saturday while you are here? I don’t think it’s fair to expect me to hide in the spare bedroom all day, whilst you two enjoy yourself in our house?”
Louise looked hesitant, and paused before continuing, “Emma had an idea.” (I bet she did, I thought to myself). “Perhaps while we were here, you could be like our butler?”
Could see where this was going, but I didn’t think Louise was brave enough to suggest it. “Butler, or slave?”
She reddened, and I could see the tell tales signs of excitement as her nipples hardened. “How would you feel about being our slave whenever we were both here?”
Of course, I had been thinking about this for some time, ever since I had listened at their door while they tried to have sex quietly in our bed. My time with the Mistress had made me realise that I definitely had a sub side, and I was pretty sure that both Louise and Emma liked to dominate.
I tried to look calm as I suggested, “I don’t know, I hadn’t really thought about it. I suppose it might work, but we would have to have rules.”
Louise’s eyes sparkled, “Yes, of course! Emma said that we ought to have some sort of slave contract for you!” My suspicions that Emma was playing a large part in this, and that they had already discussed it in detail grew stronger. “I don’t suppose you have anything like a slave contract prepared?”
Louise had the good grace to look embarrassed, as she admitted that they did have something. “Just a suggestion,” she quickly clarified. I told her to go and get it, and she scampered to the bedroom as I moved into the lounge, returning clutching a sheet of A4 in her hand.
Handing it to me, she sat, and looked expectantly as I read it.
“Slave Contract”
“1. The slave shall address his owners as Mistress Louise or Mistress Emma at all times.”
“2. The slave will only seek if he needs information, or to respond to a question. He shall make no attempt to converse at any other time.”
“3. The slave will greet the Mistresses by standing at the door, head lowered, when they enter the house.”
“4. The slave will attend instantly to any order given, which will be acknowledged with the reply ‘Yes, Mistress'”
So far, pretty straight forward. They had even thought about what I should wear.
“5. The slave will be given clothing to wear while the Mistresses are present. He will be allowed to wear protective garments if required, such as aprons while cooking, but otherwise will remain in the clothing given.”
6. “The slave will surrender their phone, and will not permitted access to any form of social media during their period of servitude.”
“7. The slave will not east or drink while the Mistresses are present. The slave may not choose his own food or drink, but will consume what ever is directed by the Mistresses.”
I realised that they had been able to watch what had gone on in the cell when I had been confined there, and hoped they had not been inspired by what I had been forced to eat during my incarceration. The final part of the contract concluded with punishment.
“8. Any deviation from this contract will be punished. Any punishments will be chosen and administered by the Mistress without consultation with the slave. The condition is that no punishment will leave permanent marks.”
“9. A safe word will be chosen by the slave, and if used, will end the period of slavery immediately.”
There were not real surprises there. Louise was looking at me expectantly, anxious for me to agree. I tried to be as open with her as possible in my reply.
“Okay, we can try this. I know that you have discovered a dominant side that you want to explore, and I also know that you want to have an immersive experience while you are here with Emma. You have probably realised, that I have also discovered my own submissive side, especially when you sent me to be locked in the cell, so I’m quite happy to give this a go.” We both smiled at each other, each of us grateful that we had brought this out in the open. “The only condition is that this can only take place in this house. If we have to go out for any reason when Emma is here, then we must give the appearance of normality to our neighbours and the outside world. If you are happy with that, I will do this for you, and I will agree to commit to it a hundred percent.”
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