My mother, Elena, got pregnant at 18 and had me a month before her 19th birthday. My father never married her. He disappeared when he heard she would have his child, and we never heard from him again. Her parents tried to convince her to have an abortion, but she refused. Her relationship with them
Mrs. Type-A Loses Control Ch. 01
A short disclaimer…and a dedication.This is my first foray into the BDSM category. I recognize that I’m a newbie who has no real-world experience. I can only offer you one thing – my genuine feelings as an unrealized submissive. Having admitted that, I do hope you can find something here that’s worthy of your time.
PMQuest: Chapter 01 – Some kind of Prank by PMQuest
A young man wakes up to find himself no longer in his cozy bed back at Fiore, instead rising from a soft patch of dirt with nothing but his socks, his underwear, and a vague memory of his training as a Pokemon Ranger. The rest of his past is a blur, but he’ll soon find
Adam and Heather Ch. 01: Wine Festival
“Another night in Spokane” Adam thought to himself, mentally sighing.He generally enjoyed his job, but about once a month, he ended up spending a night or two in Spokane, a town quieter and more conservative than he enjoyed. And once again, he was driving across the state. He had to handle a sales demonstration the
Rhonda Ch. 01
There will be a series of chapter about a very sexual lady. There will be elements of incest, lesbianism, and all sorts of sexual liaisons. Each chapter will cover an encounter that she related to me, her father, as the storyteller.Now, I was estranged from my daughter for the longest time but only for the