Our hero continues his adventures “What’s this for?” I asked, showing my wife the four hundred dollar check from her friend Linda. “Oh, that,” Jean said. “I have to show you something.” She turned her laptop so that I could see the screen and opened a website with the title “Your Neighbors’ Secret Lives”. I
The Anniversary Present by abruzzi11
Young teen loses his virginity to lonely wife. I threw a few cans of potted meat, sardines, and some crackers in my knapsack and told mom I would be home Sunday. She knew that a few of us guys would go hunting on the weekends, so she was o.k. with me leaving. The only thing
1st Anniversary
1st AnniversaryIt was the 1st year anniversary of Jonathan and Kelly first getting together. Matt and Kelly had started dating roughly 7 months after he and his last girlfriend Jessica had broken up due to infidelity on her part. Jess also happened to be best friends with Jonathan’s current girlfriend Kelly which always made for