nicksingh on Facebook It starts the same way. Standing in my living room with the phone ringing. Around me, walls rip away, frames are sucked into the sky, the ground cracks, everything is chaos, and yet, there was no sound apart from that damn ringing. I try to stop myself, but as always, like every
Going to Golf with Dad & His Mates
7am Saturday morning in January in Australia and its already hot and sweaty, I’ve kicked my blanket off and lying in bed staring at the ceiling in a small crop top and a g string. Thinking to myself what I will do today and also what I need to get done today.Before I got up
Seeing Dad at the Strip Club Ch. 02
For all of the people who sent me messages on removing the second chapter, thank you for your patience.This is a fictional story. I do not condone this behavior. It’s purpose is for entertainment.As always, feedback is welcomed.Four months had passed since my dad showed up at the club, and the world changed. Everything had
Daddy Loves His Son’s Cock
The north shore of Oahu in Hawaii is one of the best spots in the world for challenging surfing. It was Cole’s dream to surf there one day.For a belated 18th birthday present – three months till his 19th – we took him there. He was over the top excited about it and so thankful
Camping Trip with Dad
This story is pure fiction and was only written after speaking at length with a 19yo girl on MSN Chat; she had a ‘fantasy’ about her father, so I wrote this for her. I know this story is long (4 pages) but I could not bring myself to break it up into chapters. I never
Weekends With Dad Ch. 4 by Some Slacker
They all come together. CHAPTER FOURHe said it couldn’t happen again. No more fucking. We needed to be just father and daughter again.Dad had allowed his guilt to overtake him in the past month, and now he stood with his hands on his hips. Trying to be gentle but firm. But I wasn’t buying it.Just