It started as a joke, a childish prank, and a bit of fun. It was something to amuse my mother, Susan, on her birthday, because not only was it her day, but it was also mine. I had been a present twenty years previously and thought it only appropriate to show my appreciation to this
Happy Birthday Nerd by likebadfun
Man and woman sales team coldheartedly take young Hindi waitress’ virginity. Nirmala stood at the coffee shop counter reading her favorite computer magazine and waiting for her shift to end. She worked until noon every Saturday even today – her 19th birthday! No one had even said Happy Birthday! Not her dad, not her mother.
Happy Birthday! by deathscythe425,
All characters in this story are over the age of eighteen, cuz that’s the legal age of consent in America. In this particular story, the two main characters are both 19, with the female protagonist several months older than the male one. By the way, I wrote this up in about an hour, and I