I glossed over Carlo’s role in my life in episode 1, so let’s step back a few weeks. The first time I went out with Carlo, he picked me up and we went to a movie. A couple years ahead of me, Carlo was already in college, a foreign student from Ecuador. After the movie
Margo's Own Story 5 – Sean by Margossecret
We met Sean and Betty at dinner the first night on a cruise ship. It turned out they only live 50 miles from us. We said we’d try to get together sometime after the cruise, but that never happened, well, except for Sean and me. The next morning, Arthur and I went hiking in St.
Margo’s Own Story – Pandemic Encounter of the Third Kind by Margossecret
Our friends and lovers have become aliens during the corona virus pandemic. Even the virus itself looks like some sort of space ship. And so, I started thinking how recent events in my life bore a certain resemblance to Hyneck’s scale which provided the title of a rocking Spielburg film.First, let me apologize for skipping