A direct continuation of the last story. Sorry to disappoint, no sex in this one xD Hey, there can’t be sex in everything right? Don’t worry though, there’ll be plenty of it in future chapters. This is a set up chapter for the rest of the story, and since I’m a guy who appreciates plot
Max and Trent in Love by FutureMrMicheals
A story of two 15 year old boys… in love! Fair warning: this story is very much a gay one 🙂 it’s also my first story, so please hold the destructive comments. Thanks! This is the story of how, against all odds, a long-distance relationship between two boys who had never met actually worked out.
Lesbian Couple Seeks Sperm Donor
My wife, Lex, and I had gone back and forth about it for years. From what our other couple friends told us, it was impossible to feel 100% ready to get pregnant and start a family. There was no ‘right’ time, but every era could be the wrong one. This year, though, Lex got offered
Nonbinary Person, Lesbian Couple
I adore this time of day. It’s 5:30pm and the sun is just starting to drop in the sky. The spring air is like a jacket on a cold day: you know you’re surrounded by cold but you can’t help but feel warm. Birds start to become more active around this time, the baby magpies