Story InfoMan dreams of hot sex with many anonymous women.766 wordsFont SizeFont SpacingFont FaceReading ThemeDetect AutomaticallyYou need to Log In or Sign Up to have your customization saved in your Literotica profile.PUBLIC BETANote: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the “A” icon tab in the Story Info
The Limo Ride
The Limo RideJulia, a friend of ours who is hearing impaired, had once commented about the lack of representation in erotica of those with such a disability. At my wife’s suggestion, I decided to write a few stories with Julia’s help, drawing from her own experiences.It was near the end of our sophomore year in
A night out on the town by hanko
This is my first story, so I hope people enjoy it. It is the absolute truth – no embellishments or exaggerations whatsoever. Let me know what you think. And, yes, I want to hear from the grammar and spelling vigilantes as well! It happened almost exactly a year ago. I live in one of the