Hi, it’s Veronica back with another story.I’ve been married to my husband for five years now. We have a tease and denial relationship. I keep his cock locked in a chastity cage. Once a week, I teasingly masturbate him with my hand for two to three hours while he’s bound to the bed. Around once
He was one of the stars of the football team. I was a “band geek”. He was funny and always surrounded by people. I was usually alone with my books. He was the most photographed senior boy in our final annual with one hundred and thirty six pictures. I counted. You know how many pictures
Prisoners of Passion Pt. 03
Prisoners of PassionPart 3Puppy and Kitty were in a bit of a predicament. The first problem was the fact that both of them were currently sitting on exercise bikes with vibrating dildos attached to their seats. They were stuck facing each other, naked and impaled and horny, chained together by the neck. The second problem
Cinco De Mayo by John_Mandrake
Alright this is my first post so I thought I would start out with a true story, I keep names secret in case, yada yada, also this is the story of my friends girl cheating on him so we cant have this get out 😉 So it was the night of may fifth and my
Fun with Chrissy Ch. 02
During our first week, Chrissy and I forged a bond together. We had the chance to take showers, go about the house naked, and we took it. The second week would change us forever.Already, nudity seemed normal to us. It was no less arousing however, By now, Chrissy wanted to shave off my pubic hair