A fictional, incestuous tale of mother and son, of dangerous and sometimes impersonal, hot sex, and a sense of disbelief.I hope you enjoy. Your feedback helps my ideas form.####The Cold Light of The Morning AfterMy son being totally normal that morning had really fucked my mind, almost as much as the tingling in my crotch
Home Invasion_(5) by LustLegion
This is mostly a true story, with any minor changes only due to memory. Happened years ago, and I wrote it then, but never posted. Rewritten to post here The man stood across the street from the house for a few minutes, gathering his thoughts. He could see the woman passing occasionally in front of
Breaking And Entering With Steele Pt. 09
“AJ, I really need you to come get me as soon as you read this message. My mom found out what I was working on, and she kicked me out of the house last night. Slave, Abbey.”AJ hurried to rip his PJs off and yank on pants, a shirt, and socks. Slave? He thought. Her