This is a fictional story about Tom and his summer adventures. TOM’S SUMMER ADVENTURES – PART 2 (by SloBoy)Disclaimer: This story is fictional and it involves sexual actions between teenage boys. If you find stories of this kind inappropriate and/or you are not old enough to read them, please leave this site now.Info: This is
Affordable Family Holiday
The suitcases were all packed and my fishing gear was in the boot. We were ready for our family vacation. Our family consisted of me and my wife Sandy and our eighteen-year-old daughter Kira. Sandy had organized the whole thing. She had found a little cabin on a lake which was apparently filled to the
Holiday Beach Fun Pt. 01
Ellen was nearly at the end of her 2-week stay in Gran Canaria. Her college friend Suzy had flown back to Manchester the day before leaving Ellen on her own for the last few days. Ellen strode down to the dunes at Maspalomas in her black tie-up bikini with white shorts over the bottoms, her