We did our math homework while waiting for pizza to be delivered. Alicia emerged to grab herself two slices before retreating to her bedroom. She wouldn’t even look at me, her eyes downcast the entire time. I thought it might have been the light, but her cheeks looked pink. After dinner, Melody and i finished our math homework then cuddled on my bed while flipping through the cable channels.
We settled on a cheesy horror movie. It had several obligatory topless scenes that had Melody giggling at how thin the excuses were to get the woman naked all while her hand stroked my dick. That led to us making love a final time before we fell asleep in my twin-sized bed. It was cozy.
I didn’t remember my dreams—no dad making an appearance telling me to bang every woman in the family—and I woke up to Melody sprawled beside me, her blonde hair covering her face. I watched her sleep, loving how beautiful she was while my dick rubbed hard into her naked ass.
“Mmm,” she purred, coming awake. “Do you need me to take care of that?”
“Just morning wood,” I told her. “I have to pee.”
“Oh,” she said, rubbing her ass back into me. “And it’s not because your cousin has a great ass?”
“Nope,” I grinned.
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