This is about my first experience with a prostitute that happened when i used to live in a South American country. I’ve decided I’d like to chronicle some of the sexual experiences throughout my life. I figured this would be a good one to start. I’ve been reading stories on here for so long, I
My dancing pt. 1_(1) by chance52
I’ve been involved in a few different jobs over my lifetime. The one that I would have to say I enjoyed the most was my time as a dance instructor. During that time, I learned a lot, not only about dance, but also about seduction. This series will relate a few of those experiences. They
Aphrodite's Spa by chance52
This is another fictional story written from the female perspective. I’m reaching in to some new areas to see how things go. I hope you enjoy. If you leave a negative rating, do me the favor of leaving a comment and letting me know why. That helps writers improve their work for your enjoyment. And