Jon makes his purchase and we walk away exiting through the door out into the fading sunshine of the great humid state of Florida.
Opening the car door for me, he blocks my way as I try to get in. Lowering my eyes in frustration and excitement I wonder what it is he wants from me. I wonder how he keeps me off-balance so well. I wonder where he learned to kiss as I feel myself spinning away somewhere as his lips lock onto mine, as his tongue gently explores the inside of my mouth, and his arms encircle me, his free hand, the one not holding the black bag containing the paddle, gently grasps my hair, as if to show anyone watching that this is HIS hair he’s grabbing, these are HIS lips he’s kissing, this is HIS kitten he’s holding. “Who are you?”
I hadn’t even realized he’d ended the kiss. My head is resting on his shoulder and I am trying to catch my breath.
“Kitten,” I sigh.
“What are you?”
Shit. I still hadn’t gotten used to this part, even though he’d begun to train me in this aspect a month or more ago, after we’d finalized our plans to meet. He’d begun slowly, teaching me bit by bit…who was I, what was I, what was I here for…it still bothered me. It still conflicted with everything I was taught growing up, even though I knew it was simply a matter of changing my outlook.
Whispering now, I reply shakily,”I..I’m your…”
Another long deep kiss. God, can he kiss.
“Good. What are you here for?”
“Your pleasure.” He smiles into my upturned eyes.
“OUR pleasure, kitten, not just mine.”
“Get in.” He steps aside allowing me enter the car, closes the door behind me and walks to the driver’s side as I watch his every move, from unlocking his door to starting the car.
“Does the hotel have a restaurant? I’m starving. Need my energy, ya know.” He laughs. “It’s gonna be a long night.”
O God O God O God. Twitch, my pussy answers.
“Take this next left and get on 512 West. There’s a restaurant, yes, the one I told you about at the airport.”
He takes the next left and exits onto 512 West. It ‘s only a few minutes until the next exit where the hotel is.
“Where’s Stanley? Get him out.”
“Here? NOW?”
“Here. Now.”
Ooooo, shitttttt.
“Take this next exit. The hotel is right there on your right,” I say, trying to change the subject…slyly, i think.
He lets it go for the moment. Asks me if I’m hungry, asks me what kind of food the restaurant serves. We make small talk, laughing at times. I feel myself beginning to relax and Jon smiles to himself, hoping, I can see, that I am calming down a bit. He likes it when I smile. He likes it when I laugh. I see it in his eyes.
He was going to give her the time of her life, he just needed to go a little slower than anticipated, he thought to himself. But he had to keep her off-balance. She was delightful when she was bewildered. He couldn’t help himself. He chuckled again. Unable to resist as they pulled into the parking lot, he turns to her and smiles.
“So where is he?”
I gape at him in astonishment. Ohmigod. We’re HERE. Surely he doesn’t expect…
“And, kitten, one more thing. When I call you kitten, you will address me as Sir, or Master. When I call you by your name, or if you need to talk, you’ll call me Jon and we’ll be ourselves.”
“Ok, what, kitten?”
“Ok, Sir.”
“Good girl. Now, where is he.”
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