Suitably cowed, the young women nodded. With a sad wave to the guys, they walked away. Lacey turn to the guys.
“Really? Trying to get them drunk to take advantage of them?”
“Oh, hey hey hey. No booze in here. Come on, take a look. Come in.”
Against her better judgment, Lacey stepped in, looking around the room. Sure enough, there was no evidence of alcohol in the room, and the guy nearest her didn’t smell of it either. She still glowered at them, surrounded.
“Boys, I think we both know what your were trying to do. I’m not going to go on a hunt for your stash. But you should know if you plan on getting girls drunk just to take advantage of them, you’re making a big mistake.
“Oh Ms. Morgan,” the tan guy on her right said. “We would never do that!”
“Yeah,” Adam interjected, palms out by his face. “We would never do that. We’re all virgins, you know, we just wanted to talk to some girls. That’s all.”
Lacey rolled her eyes at the lie. “Please, don’t insult my intelligence.”
“Oh, I would never.”
“Ms. Morgan,” said the guy on her left, the shortest but still a head taller than her, “Have you been drinking?”
“No,” she snapped.
“Then maybe…we could talk to you for a little while?”
“I…uh…,” she started, suddenly confused by the seemingly earnest young man.
“Yeah, yeah,” Adam jumped in. “You said I shouldn’t talk to you like that this morning. But what should I say instead?”
“I…seriously?” Lacey gaped. Did these lunkheads really have no idea how to talk to a woman?
“Guys, guys,” Adam said, getting their attention. “I ran into Ms. Morgan this morning, and just tried to tell her how smoking hot she was, but apparently I shouldn’t have…?”
Lacey put her hand on her forehead in disbelief.
“I said, hey there, you are F-I-N-E fine. Then I asked if she was a runner, and she got all mad. I don’t know what I did.”
They traded mystified looks.
“Yeah,” the black haired guy on her right agreed. “Girls always say you’re doing it wrong, but never say what we should do.”
“I totally want to be able to talk to girls, but don’t know how,” the guy on her left frowned.
“So what should I have said, Ms. Morgan? How should I approach a woman like you?”
“Yeah?” the other guy agreed.
“Yeah?” chimed the third one.
Lacey sighed, the three young men all looking at her.
“I mean…,” she started, exasperated. “It’s not just what you say, but how you say it. Don’t look at me like I’m just a piece of meat. Hey!” she snapped at the guy on her left. “Eyes up here.”
“Sorry,” he pouted, looking deflated.
“Say something normal, like ‘good morning’. Look me in my eyes. Be nice.”
“Okay,” Adam agreed. “How’s this?” His eyes locked on to hers intensely. “Good evening. You sure are a hot dish.”
Oh my fucking God.
“Okay, first of all, it’s not a staring contest. Smile a little. Introduce yourself. Say something nice about me, like, you know, something you wouldn’t be ashamed to say in front of your mother.”
“Like…,” Adam started tentatively. “Good evening,” he smiled softly. “I’m Adam. I got to say, you have a terrific fashion sense.”
“Yes. See? That was nice.”
“Is that how I should expect a girl to respond?”
“Oh,” Lacey said, “No, she’s say…”
“You’d say…”
“Ah, thank you, that’s very kind of you. I’m Lacey.”
“Lacey. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Pleased to meet you.”
Lacey’s heart fluttered for just a moment as she looked up at him, at his handsome face, his square jaw, his easy smile. She felt herself blush a little and, at a loss for words, just nodded.
“Can I try now?” the guy on her left asked.
“Sure,” she smiled, turn to him.
“Hey girl,” he leered, getting close to her face while staring at her boobs. “You look good enough to eat. How about you and me find someplace…”
“Okay, stop right there,” she cut him off. “Did you not hear anything I just told Adam? Back off, say something normal, not like a freaking perv.”
“Oh. Sorry. Okay, ah let’s see. Okay…hello, I’m Matt,” he smiled softly, still standing too close to her. “I saw you and just wanted to introduce myself. Are those dolphin earrings?”
Lacey paused, searching into his eyes for a long moment, surprised at how genuine he sounded.
“Uh, yes, thank you, I just bought them,” she smiled, noticing how…cute? Was cute an appropriate description for him?
Matt gently reached out to cup an earring, and Lacey turned her head up to him, exposing her neck.
“What an exquisite piece. Did you get it here?” She could feel his breath on her skin.
“Yes, just this afternoon. I…uh…”
“Okay, my turn.”
Matt paused and glanced up at the third guy before smiling down again at Lacey. He pulled back, but not before dragging a finger across her jaw.
“All yours, bro.”
Lacey belatedly connected the dots and turned to face the third man.
“Hey sexy, you look fine. What size are those titties?”
“Oh, for the love of God, I should slap you!” she snapped. “Have you not been listening at all?”
“Bro, bro, bro, chill already!” Matt jumped in. “Say something nice, she’s a lady!”
The guy’s face fell. “Oh, ah I’m sorry. I just…”
“Try to say some like a normal person.”
He forced a smile back on his face.
“Hi, um, I’m Jack, and I, um, think you’re really pretty.”
The sudden change to a shy boy caught Lacey off guard. Maybe all the bluster was just a cover for his inherent shyness?
“Hi, I’m Lacey, thank you.”
“No, no, I mean it. You’re like super pretty, and look really fit. Do you do yoga?”
“Yes, I run and do yoga. You?”
“I mostly run and lift weights, but do a little yoga to help stretch.”
“Oh, that’s great,” Lacey smiled. “You have a great body…”
Lacey blushed as she realized what had just slipped out of her mouth. A smile crept onto the young man’s face. Before he could respond, she tried to take the initiative as get back to a firmer footing. She turned back to address all three. “See, if you are nice, girls will feel safe and respected by you, and not feel like slapping you. Be nice!”
The guys all nodded, as if hearing profound wisdom for the first time.
“Well, guys, I should get going.”
“Oh, no, please, Lacey, we actually invited those girls over to show them our dance routine,” Matt said.
“Your…dance routine?”
“Yes. The new video craze, you know, we kinda got a dance and we were hoping for some advice.”
“And, like,” Adam interjected, “We’re just stupid guys, so we don’t know what will look good.”
“Yeah, you know,” Jack joined in, “Like if girls would like it or not. Could we perform for you?”
“Oh, ah, well I don’t know much about dance trends…” Lacey was aware of a trend among youth of dancing on videos, but she had never actually watched any.
“Even better. Here, just sit right here,” Adam said, as Matt pulled the chair out from the desk and turned it around. “Let me get the music cued.”
Lacey sat and watched Adam, with his back to her, as he waited for Jack to start the music. It started playing, and Adam shrugged his shoulders to the beat as it built. She couldn’t help but admire is physique, muscles bulging through the thin tee he was wearing. He spun and locked eyes with her, and again Lacey was impressed by how handsome he was. Then, suddenly, his hands dropped to the hem and he whipped his tee off, waving it around his head.
“Woah,” Lacey exclaimed, covering her mouth in shock.
She had totally not expected that. Her eyes widened as she took in his thick hairless chest, his chiseled abs. Unlike the other two, he was built more like a soccer player, but still extremely fit. His body was absolutely perfect. She finally managed to force her eyes back to his face. Adam seemed to ignore her, moving to the beat, moving closer to her. When he leaned forward and placed his hands on seat back, she retreated as far as she could, an ineffectual hand pushing against his scorching skin for just a moment. Her eyes tried to stay on his face, but she couldn’t resist staring at his bare chest just inches away. He stood again, and Lacey slowly realized that the music had stopped.
“How was that?” he asked.
“That…that was…ah…nice,” she swallowed, struggling to get her bearings. She belatedly realized her knees were clamped together. Now that she had some space, she forced a smile, her eyes never leaving his face, and tried to relax. “That was nice,” she nodded, and brushed her hair back.
“Okay, my turn,” Jack said, and moved in front of her.
He turned his back and removed his shirt before the music even started. Lacey swallowed again, her legs instinctively closing. Despite the air conditioning, the room felt too hot. Jack was shorter, but also built, with broader shoulders and a deep tan indicative of a South American heritage. The music started and he began to dance, moving into her personal space. He gyrated his crotch in front of her face and then turned, to do the same thing with his ass. Lacey was just noticing he had somehow changed his pants while she had been fixated on Adam. Jack’s hands dropped to his hips, the beat dropped, and he ripped off his track-pants. Lacey’s eyes went wide and she clamped her hand over her mouth. He was wearing red, athletic boxer briefs that blatantly showed his glutes. She was too stunned to do anything but stare for a moment, hypnotized by his swaying ass. He spun and moved in front of her, hands laced behind his head, and rocked his hips right in her face.
Lacey couldn’t rip her eyes away from his member, clearly outlined through his tight underwear. She was barely aware of her thundering heart as she stared. Oh my God, this is so wrong. She had been to a male strip show during a bachelorette party, but then there were dozens of women that the strippers moved between, and she could wave them off. Here she was the sole focus and she was trapped. Jack moved in closer, his legs now straddling hers, and she leaned back as far as she could. He looped his track pants behind her head and slowly began to pull her face towards his gyrating cock. Lacey squeaked in protest, trying to twist away, but was easily overpowered. Her horrified eyes watched as his bulge drew closer. Goodness, he looks… She pushed the totally inappropriate observation out of her head. She placed her hands on his hips to push him away, feeling the singeing heat from his body through his underwear. Her efforts merely resulted in pulling his underwear tighter, revealing his cock even more. He was still a fraction of an inch away, his cock lined up on her face, and any second her face would get pulled into him.
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