Robin finally reached them, standing there between Eleanor and Natasha with his eyes planted firmly on the wooden floor below them all.
The house-cuck didn’t say a single word. Eleanor looked over at Natasha expectantly, her lips still in the shape of a grin, and Natasha looked back at her, though she was far from returning a smile. Natasha proceeded to grab Robin by a tuft of his short black hair and drag him over to the lounge.
The weak little thing didn’t even struggle as she took him by his hair all the way over to the couch and threw him to the floor beside it. He collapsed as if he were made of paper: pale, white, fragile, and thin.
Natasha pointed to the couch and demanded him with anger in her voice, “Lick up that entire mess with your fucking tongue. I don’t want to see a drop of our juices left on the leather. Do you understand?”
Robin’s little head poked up to look her in the face. “Yes, Goddess Natasha,” he said, clasping his limp little wrists together in front of the rest of his pathetic little self.
“Good boy,” she said with just as much force. Robin got to licking, and Natasha turned and stepped back over to Darius. She looked to Eleanor again, too. “Most of that is just my sweat and squirt,” she revealed, as if to brag, “Darius’s cum went down cuck-boy’s throat last night.”
“Cuck-boy the ball-less,” Damian quipped from behind them. Robin groaned with his mouth still on the stained leather.
“I’m starting to think we should do that to all whiteboys,” Darius joined in.
“That’s why I love you!” Natasha said before jumping into his strong arms and being whisked away in them. He carried her off and up the spiraling stairs to the bedroom level.
“Again?” Leya called after them. She went ignored.
“I’ll make sure he finishes the task,” Eleanor assured everyone before taking an imperious stance above Robin, watching him carefully leak and slurp Natasha’s stains off the leather couch cushions. She crossed her hands beneath her own tits–bigger than Natasha’s, and better covered–and just observed him in his weakness.
Such a pathetic little creature, serving their every whim, even lowering himself to lick up the refuse of superior sex that he would never experience in his entire life just so they could have a clean place to sit down. The whiteboy life must be hard.
Just then, another girl came down the stairs. She was by far the thinnest one there next to Leya, with some ass and curvature to boast of visible beneath her gray sweatpants and lined golden tank-top. Her hair was long and straight and somewhere between platinum blonde and yellow, and her eyes were narrow and blue.
She practically ran past the others and into the arms of the man leaning on the wall beside the door, contrasting with his height and muscle by a large margin. “Jackson, you’re back!” the little blonde girl said with excitement and warmth.
“You should join us next time, Ariana,” he said back to her, his hands swiftly traveling down to give her ass a squeeze through her sweatpants. She laughed darkly, like her voice was always hoarse, and took his hand as she whisked around.
“Come upstairs with me,” she tempted him, and he followed like it was his duty.
“Don’t you want to stay down here and wait for the food?” was the only protest he offered.
“No… I wanna fuck,” she answered him casually. They walked right up the stairs as well.
After a pause, Leya said, “I wonder if they’ll use a different room.”
“What point is there in that?” Savannah asked. “We’re all the same, pretty much.”
Eleanor turned to the fatty redhead girl. Some of her brains must have leaked out into her curls. “We are not the same,” she asserted.
“It’s not a competition,” she replied, whiningly.
“I mean, Natasha seems to think it is,” Leya chimed in from behind them.
“Not now, Leya,” Eleanor said, more calmly than she meant to. She then turned back to Robin, who was still dutifully slurping up the wetness from the couch, and crossed her arms above him yet again.
“Keep licking. No reward. That’s a reward enough for someone like you,” she said disdainfully, more at him than to him.
“Yes… Goddess Eleanor,” the cucked little eunuch replied quickly before following orders. He was almost as obedient as Matty.
Eleanor put a shoe upon Robin’s back as he licked. “Savor the taste of it,” she ordered him softly. Then, she heard the front door down the hallway swing open.
Moments later she looked over to see Dominik come down the hallway; his handsome face with its hard jawline and scruffy chin, his big muscles bulging out of his black tank-top, all with such dark skin sent her into her throes of desire once again. The presence of him was so powerful, even as he was doing something as simple as setting down boxes of pizza on the table.
He looked back over to her with those bright brown eyes and gave her a smile and a slight nod. Her perpetual grin brightened back at him, and her pussy tensed up in her leggings.
Dominik stepped up to her and wrapped a warm arm around her back, guiding her face to his for a sweet kiss. “I’m just having the whiteboy here clean up Natasha’s mess from last night,” Eleanor assured her prized lover.
“Oh, yes. I heard them, but I didn’t want to wake you,” he replied before kissing her once again. It was like a lightning bolt of power coursing through her, kissing her strong lover with her foot up on the back of this nutless little slave.
Once that sweetest of moments had passed, he took her hand and led her back to the counter behind the table. “I got it,” Damian said, stepping up to put his own foot upon Robin’s weak little back. Savannah stepped over as well, giggling at the whiteboy’s shame.
Dominik turned around and picked Eleanor up by her waist, sending her grin to a new level of brightness, before laying her down across the clean white countertop. “Y’all can eat,” he said before beginning to pull her black leggings off, “We don’t mind it cold.”
Eleanor raised her legs up and bounced on her fat ass to let her lover strip her bottom half of its coverings. He threw her leggings aside with little care and continued up to her thong. Just the touch of his big arms around her thighs made her bite her grinning lip as he pulled her rosy pink thong off and set it on the leggings on the floor.
He then removed his own tank-top and got up on top of her, one of his big black hands landing on her already-wet pussy and the other meeting her raised arms to pull her white top off of her, carefully so as to avoid damaging the regal frills on the sleeves.
Eleanor shivered with pleasure as her lover held her pussy in his fingers, sliding up and down, his magnificent manly torso in full view above her.
She reached back to expertly unhook the strap of her lacy dark blue bra and let it fall onto the floor behind her. Her fingers landed on the edge of the counter and gripped it for stability as she breathed out with pleasure.
Dominik’s shorts came down and Eleanor soon felt his long black cock slide right into her soaking wet pussy. Her eyes rolled up to the ceiling as she gasped out a light moan at what soon became steady black thrusts into her wetness.
Their bodies soon moved rhythmically as one, all of Eleanor’s thickness bouncing up and down across the countertop with each thrust of Dominik’s muscular form guiding his massive cock deeper and deeper inside her with each passing time.
A ways behind him, Robin had finally completed his little task. He looked up at Damian, who let his foot off of his back, and Savannah from the floor, and swallowed.
The thick and creamy ginger turned around and showed him her backside, pointing to a stain the seat had made on it and saying, “You missed a spot right here, cucky.”
Her ass was fat and milky and rippling, entirely exposed in nothing but her thong which was swallowed up in it like it was a fat white ocean. Robin looked up at her ass like he was gazing into the face of god.
“Go on, you little nutless freak,” Damian ordered him sternly, grabbing him by his hair and guiding his pale little face up to his bunny’s fat ass. Robin met the stain on her left asscheek with a full-lipped kiss and licked it right off.
Damian guided him to the other side, and he lapped that clean as well. He proceeded to drop his hold on the cuck’s hair, and he just fell.
They both laughed at him and turned to the table. “Maybe we should take this outside,” Damian said, looking at the hot sex going on at the countertop behind them and grabbing the pizza boxes.
Back at the cuckold camp, Raina sat at a desk in her own personal study room on the second floor–walls all black, floor a soft black rug, with two windows draped with black curtains behind her ebony desk–reading through the confessionals of their freshly-arrived cuckolds. Each of them was separated upon the length of the desk so she could read them, only a page each.
It was already past midnight; the night sky shone no light through the windows behind her, so the lamp with a black shade in the corner to her left side was on. Fiona was sitting on the little black couch in her corner, still clad in her new red Queen of Spades bra and panties, the full voluptuousness of her fat body sprawled out from one end of the couch to the other.
Alexandra was charged with putting the cuckolds to bed and keeping watch to ensure none of them would make another escape attempt.
“You did a good job collecting all this knowledge from them, Fiona. Knowing all of this, we can control them better,” Raina said to the redhead as she picked at the length of one of her nails with another.
“My pleasure, but I didn’t have to do much,” Fiona replied in her typical vocal-fry tone. “I just left them to write the confessionals, and collected them afterwards.”
After a pause, she gave Raina a salacious look. “Whose is the most embarrassing?”
Raina grinned back. “Definitely Brendan’s,” she answered solidly. “You know, the little cocksucker from yesterday?”
“Oh, I remember,” Fiona said without a flinch. “What’s so bad about it?” she inquired.
“The boy sucks more cock than he does eat his own girlfriend’s pussy. He’s fluffed her bull ‘more times than he can count’, apparently, and only eats the creampie ‘on a rare occasion.’ Oh, and he said he got in this little situation of his because of his own porn addiction, since before he had even met Savannah. For the insecurities question, he answered ‘almost everything about me.’ The boy is fucked,” Raina explained. “I almost feel bad for him.”
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