From what he heard?
“Well, her first suggestion was a non-starter and a bad idea to boot.”
“One of Mary’s friends.”
“Wow. Yeah. Which one? Every one of Mary’s friends are smoking hot,” Yancey observed.
Careful Yancey. My daughter is one of Mary’s friends…
“Stephanie,” I murmured.
“Oh. Yeah. That is a non-starter. She’s way out of your league, man.”
The next weekend, Becca chose Saturday to bring over her crowd. I had found a supply of actual ostrich steaks on Tuesday, and was eager to cook them up for the kids.
And not tell them what they were at first…
Blessings to end all blessings, Stephanie was not in evidence. I heaved a sigh of relief that she was not around. I could get work done early and cook in peace, without being bombarded with thoughts of Wanda’s ridiculous suggestions. Except that now I kept thinking about my blonde distraction…
I really, really did not want to betray an interest in her, but when Becca came over to chat with me for a while, I found myself asking, “No Stephanie this week, huh?”
“No, Dad. Your booze is safe,” Becca laughed. “Actually, she is helping a friend who is taking organic chemistry over the summer term. Amber has a mid-term Tuesday and it is kicking her ass. Stephanie is working her through the material this afternoon.”
“Stephanie is tutoring Chemistry?”
“She is pre-med, Dad.”
“She is going to be a doctor?”
“Don’t be a chauvinist, Dad! Just ’cause she’s hot doesn’t mean she’s not totally smart.”
She’s smart, going to be a doctor, incandescently hot, and helps friends out with their studies on bright, sunny, summer Saturdays. Fuck. She was supposed to be a distasteful bitch…
“Well, she needs to tone down the sex-appeal,” I grumbled in full Dad Mode. “No wife is going to want Doctor THAT doing a hernia exam on her husband…”
I did need to find some more sex beyond Wanda, after all. The woman really was just whetting my appetite, and if I didn’t do something about it, I was going to fixate on Stephanie. I really did not need any more youthful adventures. Not that youthful, at least!
When I cooked up the ostrich (there were surprisingly no eggplant eaters there that afternoon), it met with loud approval. I finally sat down with my own steak, only to find myself being joined by Carol and Anne. Moments later, Becca appeared and shoehorned her way in with us.
“This is really good, but it isn’t beef, is it, Mister H?” Carol asked.
“Ostrich,” I murmured.
Becca looked around, stifling a laugh. “Oh please, Dad. Let me tell everybody, once they are all done.” I smiled benevolently at my daughter.
“If it makes you happy,” I said.
Then my little bitch betrayed me. “Dad thinks Stephanie is too hot,” Becca suddenly announced to her friends.
“Hey!” I objected.
“Not much she can do about that,” Anne observed.
“She could dial back the way she shows off. It’s going to get her in trouble one day,” I said. It really was. There were people out there in the world who lived to exploit women…
“Oh, I see,” Carol said blandly. “It is okay for Anne and me to wear bikinis because we aren’t nearly as good-looking as Stephanie?”
I just froze.
Anne and Carol laughed, hard. Even Becca laughed at me.
“You two are…” I choked myself off from how I was going to respond. Becca was sitting right there. My mind spun. “You two know how to dress… attractively, without flaunting it… yourselves.”
“Oh, so we are tastefully sexy? Thank you, Mister H,” Carol chirped.
“Guys!” Becca growled, not laughing any more. Carol and Anne winced. “So you are going to chase off after Stephanie now?” my daughter challenged, not nearly angrily enough for my taste. Maybe not angrily at all.
I desperately sought out a change of subject. Any change of subject.
“Looks like Mary has a new boyfriend,” I observed approvingly, pointing over onto the grass where the redhead was sitting with a handsome boy that I felt like I should recognize, but who had certainly not been around for a while.
“It won’t last,” Anne said confidently.
“No? Too bad. Why?”
“She is going to find him… underwhelming,” Anne said, still working on her ostrich.
“Oh really?” Carol crooned.
“What?” I said.
“Especially given… her recent activity,” Anne said, not looking up and still carving her dwindling steak, “Mary is going to find Bob, um, comparatively unsatisfying.”
Oh shit. Anne was talking about me. I was the ‘recent activity’.
“Anne!” Becca said in a strangled voice, clearly realizing that too.
“How do you know?” Carol asked, not being helpful.
“He and I went out for a time, remember?” Anne told her.
“Wait,” my mouth said, without my permission. “Mary is going out with an ex-boyfriend of yours?”
“Oh, that’s cool, Mister Howard,” Anne said, mercifully not calling me Clark. “It was last year. Way beyond the ten-week statute of limitations.”
“There is a statute of limitations now for dating your friends exes?” I asked bewildered. I needed to get off this topic of conversation. Murdering kittens sounded like a safer, more relaxing subject…
“Yeah. Ten weeks,” Anne reiterated. “I guess it might be longer once you get older.”
“So, not worth the time?” Carol asked speculatively, still looking over at Mary and the boy who apparently did not know he was a short-timer.
Um… sorry, dude?
Becca had had enough. “I think it is time to spring the ostrich information,” she said firmly. Anne and Carol were instantly eager to see the reaction. I was eager to get the fuck off the subject of everybody’s love lives, past, present, and God-forbid, future.
I also was eager to see the reactions.
They were glorious.
As the afternoon progressed, Mary and her Bob were among the first to leave. From her body language, I sensed what her intended agenda for the rest of the day was. Apparently, it was going to leave her ‘underwhelmed’. Apparently.
Becca had brought along a guy as well, and she seemed to be splitting her time between him and me. That was slightly unusual. It was more unusual because she kept lingering as the day went on. When she had a boy on the line, she had often left while there were others still in my backyard. And there were only a few left, including Carol and Anne who were still in the pool, chatting amiably.
Then it hit me. Since the cruise, Becca had never intentionally left me alone when any of the Trinity were still around. She had seen me about to eat with Anne and Carol and had left her guy to come join us.
I was being chaperoned.
Thank you, daughter. I love you.
Ten minutes later, a car-load departed, leaving just Anne, Carol, Becca, and her clearly impatient boyfriend. What he was impatient for, I had dark suspicions. Maybe this would be a good evening to clean my shotguns…
Anne and Carol were still having a good time, however.
Finally Becca, who I sourly perceived was also impatient to leave with this boy, called out to the girls, “Can I give you guys a ride?”
“No thanks,” Carol called back idly. “I drove.”
“Um…” Becca said glumly. Then she brightened. “So you will give Anne a ride back?”
“Of course,” Carol said.
“Sounds good,” Anne added.
Becca looked darkly at the two of them, then shrugged. As long as they were both here, she seemed to reason, and had to leave together, then I was safe. Or they were. Or something. Whatever. Craziness was not going to ensue.
That was my reasoning as well, and when Becca and this male… creature left to go do what I did not want to know, I turned to clean up the grill and surrounding mess.
Behind me, I could hear the two chatting away. They were talking about whether they wanted to go back to the dorms the next Fall semester, or extend their current summer lease. A nice, safe subject.
When I had everything piled up neatly, I wanted to do a little more work on the laptop. I decided to stay outside, my dad instincts kicking in and making me feel like I needed to be around while kids were in the pool.
I turned around to find that they had gotten out of the water and were sunbathing. In my back yard. Topless.
My dad instincts immediately started taking a beating.
“Really, you two?” I asked almost desperately.
“Come on, Clark,” Anne said, not even looking at me. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen.”
Carol didn’t look at me either, but just went back to discussing the meal plan portion of their housing debate.
I soon realized, soon but not soon enough, that I was standing there, staring at four spectacular naked breasts. Four supple, deliciously formed breasts that I knew from personal experience felt fabulous. And whose owners had to know that I was just standing there, staring.
I plopped down on my computer, refusing to engage with them. But I knew I was going to get no work done, because I had chosen to sit so that I could easily see them both if I took my eyes just barely off the screen of the laptop.
After about ten minutes of this, with them chatting about nothing, but their nipples getting visibly harder, Carol made the first move against Anne. “Anne, if you want to head straight back, can you take an Uber? I may need to stop off and get some things once I leave.”
“Oh, I think I might just stay and get some more sun,” Anne countered. “But I can catch an Uber later, if you want to head out for your errands.”
Oh, no. No way. I was not going to be here alone with either one of these girls. Especially not with them topless. My dick had alternate suggestions: All I needed was to prod one or the other into leaving… I just needed to pick which one I wanted to stay.
Jesus. And I thought I had regained some moral fiber.
But maybe I had, I realized. I actually had a good idea for once in this sort of situation.”Why don’t you two just head out together?” I suggested hopefully. “I always liked to have a friend along for errands, and you can probably finish up earlier that way.”
That actually got me a small glare from both of them. But it didn’t get me a departure.
I manfully concentrated on my screen, getting a little bit of work done that I immediately realized I was going to have to throw away.
Movement caught my eye as Anne stood up. So fucking elegant…
Instead of initiating their departure, the minx pushed her bikini bottoms off and settled back down, not even looking my way. I tried not to look, but dammit… The landing strip was gone. Anne had gone fully shaved!
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