“No. Because I think you’re a real live pixie, and I feel an urgent desire to sleep with a pixie. I was admiring your pretty little tush and wanting you that first time we met. If you hadn’t kept coming around to vandalise my fence I probably would have followed up on it sooner.”
“That doesn’t explain why I would want to sleep with you,” she pointed out. “I don’t even like you.”
“Maybe not, but you’re starting to respect me. Liking will come. The sex will probably help it along. Yes or no?”
She was tempted, I could see, even if she didn’t realise it herself. But for a change with her, caution won out. She shook her head.
“Then you’d better get dressed quickly, or I might change my mind about rape,” I said, and watched her blush. I think Alice had forgotten that she was still naked.
Alice hurriedly pulled her clothes on and turned to leave. Before she left I gave her a warning.
“I would appreciate it if you would leave my fence alone. It costs me time and money having to clean crap off it. The next time I catch you I will not only spank you like an adult, I will assume that you are a consenting adult and I will resolve any problems you may have regarding being a virgin. Understand?”
Alice nodded, not looking directly at me, and then hurried away.
When I woke up in the morning, the fence was tagged.
First I cleaned off the graffiti. Then I went and checked the camera’s tape. I started it where Alice had left the previous evening. There was a couple of pictures of people walking past and then, in the middle of the night, along came Alice again, still wearing the same sundress I’d taken off earlier. She stopped, tagged and departed, keeping a close eye out in case I came charging out. At one point she even looked directly at the camera. She must have assumed it was surveillance only, needing someone to watch it. It appears that she hasn’t heard about recording equipment and infrared lenses.
That evening I went around to Alice’s place. When she answered my knock she was surprised and a little shocked to see me, but a little smug also.
She let me in and went straight on the attack.
“I heard someone successfully tagged your fence,” she said, amusement plain in her voice. “And they didn’t get caught, either.”
“Partly right,” I said. “The fence was tagged but has now been cleaned and the tagger has been caught. Why else did you think I came around.”
“Oh, dear,” Alice mocked. “You suspect me. Unfortunately, I was home all night.”
“I don’t suspect you,” I said smiling. “I know it was you. So I’m here to deliver the penalty as advertised.”
That wiped the smile off her face, but not the confidence.
“You can’t know it was me,” she told me, “because it wasn’t. Where’s you witness?”
“Right here,” I said, holding up a memory stick. “I did point out to you that there’s a camera covering the fence.”
Alice was still supremely confidant, knowing it had been too dark for clear photos. Unfortunately, she knew wrong.
I handed her the memory stick and she stuck it in the side of her TV, and then watched in shock as a clear picture of her tagging the fence and looking at the camera was displayed.
“May I suggest we go to your bedroom before I take off your clothes and spank you? It will be more convenient for the action that will follow.”
Alice was shaking her head, slightly shocked.
“I want you to leave, now,” she told me.
“If I leave, I’ll have to go to the police station and press vandalism charges,” I pointed out. “Wouldn’t you rather keep this between us?”
Alice was starting to wear a hunted look as she searched for a way out.
Desperate she conceded, “I’ll agree to take the spanking. You tagged me fair and square and I knew about the cameras. I didn’t think they could see me at night. But I’m only agreeing to the spanking.”
I indicated that she should precede me to her bedroom, following along behind. Once there I invited her to get undressed.
“Why do I need to get undressed for it?” she wailed. “Why can’t I have it fully clothed?”
“Because you’re the one who insists that you’re an adult, and as far as I’m concerned, if I’m going to spank a woman she going to be naked while I do it.”
I received a number of nasty looks as she got undressed. My admiration of her figure seemed to have made an impression on her and she kept turning slightly away from me, trying to hide herself. That was OK, as I’d see all I wanted to before I was finished.
This time I didn’t have to haul her over my knee. She leant over me, miserable but obedient. I gave her a couple of smarting spanks to each cheek. This time she was better prepared and managed not to squeal, but she was concentrating so hard on being silent that she let her legs relax, and they just naturally drifted apart.
My next spank came down along her pussy, stinging her lips, and the shock overcame her resolution of silence and she shrieked.
“Sorry,” I murmured, gently rubbing her lips. “Bad aim. Does this feel better?”
Alice promptly closed her legs as tight as she could, and relaxed them even faster when she found that she had been forcing my hand hard against her pussy.
“Move your hand,” she told me desperately, so I did, rubbing back and forth along her pussy.
“Not like that, damn you,” she gasped. “Move it away.”
I sighed and moved my hand. Up into the air and back down to her bottom for a few more hard spanks, which were met with a tense silence.
A few more choice spanks and Alice’s bottom had a nice little glow to it. At that point I just picked her up, spun her around and sat her on my knee.
“This is just silly,” I said. “We both know why I’m really here.”
Alice was probably going to protest, but I was kissing her, one hand holding a lovely breast while my other was on her back, holding her in position.
Alice stiffened slightly, then she was kissing me back, pressing her breast firmly against my hand. I continued kissing her, tongues touching each other, while I squeezed and stroked her breast, rubbing my palm against her nipple.
It wasn’t long before my hand dropped to her lap. Her legs were still closed, but no longer pressing hard against each other. I ran my hand down to her knee and then slipped it between them. From that point I started moving my hand back along her inner thighs, stroking the sensitive flesh there, while her legs drifted slowly apart, accepting the caress.
The natural destination of my hand, of course, was her pussy, and her drifting legs gave me the access I required, letting me clasp her mound and start working it.
One of the advantages of Alice being so petite was that I could manoeuvre her quite easily, as she was light as a feather. The hand that I was resting on her back slid down to cup her bottom and I lifted her, turning her more towards me, gently easing one leg to the side so she was straddling me.
Alice was as shy as a trout rising for a fly, and one wrong move and she’d be gone, backing away fast. Lying her on the bed or taking time to undress would both be wrong moves in my opinion. I had to coax her to where she wanted to go forward.
Now that she was sitting straddling me I was able to have my hands wander back and forth between her breasts and pussy, keeping them stirred up without pushing too hard. At the same time we kept exchanging kisses, sometimes on the lips, other times wandering around her face, down to her breasts and then back to her lips.
Alice didn’t even notice when I unzipped and extracted my erection from my trousers. Her hands were clutching my chest, and when I pushed one down slightly it just kept travelling until it found my cock, standing there waiting for her touch.
I could feel her fingers tracing it lightly, not sure that she should be touching me, then her hand closed over it, and I could hear her breathing getting tenser with excitement.
Now that she was aware of my cock in more than the theoretical sense, I cupped Alice’s bottom again, moving her closer to me, and soon her pussy was pressing against the hand that she had wrapped around my cock.
I could almost feel her thinking, hand or pussy? Then she released me and wriggled slightly closer to me, feeling her pussy rub against my erection. She was very quickly rubbing herself seriously against me, getting accustomed to the friction of my cock rubbing along her slit.
Then of her own initiative she raised herself up on her knees slightly, pushing herself up until she could feel the head of my cock rubbing against her lips. I didn’t have to do a thing. She moved her head back a little from me and stared at me, eyes wide, while she wriggled her bottom slightly, trying to encourage me to slide into her.
I did, feeling her lips slowly stretch and then suddenly slide to either side, letting my cock’s head penetrate her, her lips then closing on it and holding it in her.
She blinked, and then started pressing down upon me, wanting me to slide in. Then I was pressing against her hymen and Alice bit her lip as she felt my cock pressing and stretching her.
“Want me to do it?” I asked quietly, but Alice shook her head. She’d started this. She was going to do it herself.
Alice bit her lip and the pressed down sharply, giving an involuntary squeak as her hymen parted, but then smiling proudly as she settled upon me, letting me slowly fill her.
I am only average size, sexually, which was probably fortunate as Alice was very petite. Even my average size must have felt large to her, but she happily took me into her until I was fully inside her and she was sitting comfortably, enjoying the feeling.
“Now start rocking for a while,” I told her.
She looked at me, not sure why she should rock, but obediently she started moving, leaning back and then coming forward. It wasn’t much movement, but it started a back and forth drag within her, changing the comfortable feeling to a most uncomfortable, I want more, feeling.
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