“Derek, can I have a word?” Derek gave me the smile he normally reserved for middle-aged women about to give him a fair-sized lump of their soon-to-be ex-husband’s savings. “In the kitchen, where it’s quiet.”
“OK, but by the sound of it, I think this needs taking to the office.” Ella, who had welded herself to my side throughout this, made the decision to come with us. Jan, who, despite her husband’s Cambridge honours degree, is the sharpest person I’ve ever met and definitely the brains of that outfit, solved the problem. “Ella, leave Super Dick alone for a moment and come over here with us girls. We have plans to make.”
Derek and I went into the kitchen because I needed to talk with him about money. I had a previous idea about converting the shearers accommodation into a bunkhouse or something similar. I didn’t really know what this gang that I had suddenly rejoined would accept as a decent standard. “Easy,” said Derek. “Most of us would sleep under a hedge if we got to play this somewhere like yours. Why not have an open house weekend? Get some ideas. There are 10 couples in all. I have a camper van; I’ll bring that. Rob Harvey and the very delectable Mrs. Harvey have a caravan. Your extra bedrooms–if all ten couples turn up, we can manage. Let’s put it to the group, as I said.”
I was going to be busy with Mum’s stuff until the end of the week. Ella had plans for our weekend. She seemed a little disappointed in my suggestion that we go to Wales on Monday to get stuff ready for a get-together the following weekend. Then Jan whispered something in her ear, and her face lit up.
So we were all going to meet at my place in Wales three weeks later on Friday. I had plenty to do and a bit of cash to spend, but I now had a purpose, a future to look forward to, and a second chance with the right person for me. I just hoped I was right for her.
Before everyone left, I was talking about the project. In and around the closest town, 10 miles away, there was every trade I needed, except an electrician. There was one, but he was a complete chancer in my opinion and would never be allowed near my place again. I’d have to go a bit further afield for a spark. “What about Cav? He’s one of us, and when he gets to know about it, he will want in,” said Taylor.”
I was stunned, “Cav. Our big fuckoff crashball centre? The one who played with a broken arm for two weeks”
“Yup, that one. The one who will be going to erotica dressed in his sissy girl gear with his strict aunty”
“Who is his strict aunty,” I said?
“Pam, of course you knob.” said Ella
Back in the day, we won more games than our skill levels were worth. A lot of the reason was Cav. No one has ever tackled him alone twice. Always in twos, some times in threes. Dunmore, our other centre, was a polar opposite. Only five eight, very fleet of foot, Cav made a space, taking another defender out, and Dunmore went through the gap with monotonous regularity.
He usually hit the winger hard but had a killer last-minute pass. The final part of our one and only game plan was my brother, Slingsby. Both were fast enough to run around just about any full-back we came up against if they got the early ball. The plan centred around our centre, Cav.
“OK, we have a spark then if he is in.”
“Oh, you can bet when Aunty Pam hears you are back and about your plan, they will be in. They are one of the ten couples Jill said!
Only nine now, Bob and Izzy are leaving, said Dunmore.
“Err, about that, said Bob. We don’t want to leave any more. We are only going to play here once or twice a year, but we have had a chat, and we need it. Both of us. So do we have a problem?” he went on.
Anyone can see Rick and May. Ella winced, Izzy secretly kicked Bob; it was so secret that everyone in the room and a passer-by outside saw it.
“Sorry, Ella, I’m a nob. I don’t get to see you often enough for it to sink in.”
Ella laughed it off with everyone else. But I felt her snuggle in just a bit closer. I was just beginning to realise how much she hated being just May. I’d find out why eventually. Maybe while my Welsh Mountain peace was being shattered by my friends. I didn’t give a shit relay. I had friends, I had a nice peacefull place in the country an I now had the best thing ever, a woman I adored.
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