“What’s–” Raina started to ask what was up between the two of them, but the three were interrupted by Lion’s entrance into the kitchen.
“I thought you ladies were bringing back drinks for everyone,” he said. Otter’s imitation had been spot on. His voice sounded almost unrealistically deep.
“Whatever gave you that idea?” Dragon took a fake sip from her empty glass.
Lion raised an eyebrow, paused, then opened his mouth to speak.
“There isn’t anyone here to serve drinks,” Otter said slowly, back in her ‘bartender’ position. “But I can mix something up for you if it’s easy enough… as a courtesy.”
Lion nodded in approval. He didn’t seem to catch on that the open bar was self-serve anymore than he noticed Otter’s minor slurring.
“Well, Canary would like an Americano and I’ll be fine with a Godfather. Thanks, of course.”
Dragon coughed loudly.
Otter didn’t move and just stared at the assortment of bottles in front of her.
Raina turned to Lion. “Actually the special tonight is wine. Red or white?”
Lion glanced from Raina to Dragon to Otter and back to Raina. “Well, I’d have to see the bottle..”
“That’s it!” Dragon exclaimed. She jumped off her stool and rounded the counter to grab Otter’s arm and pulled her to the exit toward the main room. “Help yourself!”
Wanting to avoid any awkwardness, Raina left her stool to follow the two women out.
“Uh?” Lion said aloud.
Raina turned around to look at him, thinking he was having a latent reaction to what had just happened.
But he was looking at Raina when he spoke. “You’re with…Hawk…Eagle, right?”
Raina paused and nodded.
“Well, you may not want to rush back too quickly.. the party is getting started in there.”
It was Raina’s turn to raise an eyebrow. She left the kitchen without another word to see what Lion was talking about.
It took her a few seconds to gather exactly what was transpiring in the main room.
Cliff – Eagle – was lying on an chaise. His loincloth had been removed – though really just pulled down as it still hung from his right ankle. A pillow was resting on his face and his dick stretched long and stiff – hard and shiny – resting on his abdomen.
A second chaise was set up about two feet apart and Emu was lying there in the same state. Both men had their arms stretched over their heads.
The group had formed a small crowd around the two men and Raina couldn’t tell the point of the presentation. She looked around and saw Dragon flagging her over to stand with her and Otter. She walked over to them, taking glances at the naked aroused bodies that the mob’s center.
“What the fuck?” she asked out loud without thinking.
Dragon raised a surprised brow. Hadn’t Raina insisted that she and Cliff were ‘just friends’?
Otter nodded and wore a faint, tipsy smile. “It’s time to get things CRACKING,” Otter whispered loudly.
Some of the others had heard her and Owl peered over to the three women, her eyes lingered on Raina the longest.
Before Raina could open her mouth to repeat the question, someone else spoke first.
“Okay, round one is over. Both men held their own. Looks like we don’t have any premature ejaculators between these two. Now round two is about to start.” Gekko was speaking and he wore a wide Emcee grin as he spoke and made gestures to Eagle and Emu’s deflating members.
“Again, we’re gonna need volunteers. Next, we’re going to test willpower against oral stimulation. We need two volunteers each – that’s four…for those of you who are arithmetically challenged.”
Laughter broke out among the group.
“And according to my records, no one signed up as a Watcher tonight. That means everyone can participate. Yay!”
Raina looked around at the other women. She wondered who would volunteer. Her heart was pounding in her chest, but she was choosing to ignore it. It helped slightly that Eagle’s face was covered, but she had complicated feelings about what she was about to witness.
“Let’s do this old school and start with a show of hands.” Gekko continued. “Raise your hand if–” his voice trailed off as something apparently had caught his attention in the crowd.
Raina looked to see what Gekko was looking at and saw Cobra was mouthing something while making hand gestures.
“Oops!” Gekko said dramatically. “My bad, y’all. So yes, we here at the Reform typically operate under the notion that ‘a mouth is a mouth’.”
Bear’s deep voice could be heard agreeing quietly from where he stood in the group.
“But…” Gekko continued, “it is important to have a respect for boundaries and preference so first a bit of housekeeping.”
He turned to Eagle and Emu.
“Gentleman, this question is for you. Give me a thumbs up if you can hear me.”
Two thumbs went up.
“Good. Now, you’re about to experience something that most men will never in their whole lives. You will be tag-team sucked off by our lovely guest volunteers. Now if you prefer to only be licked and tongue-flicked by a woman, hold up one finger. It can be any finger.”
Eagle’s pointer finger shot up immediately.
“Okay,” said Gekko. “And if you are open to either women or men, two fingers, please.”
Emu held up two fingers. In the corner of her eye, Raina saw Raven cock her head slightly sideways.
“Okay!” said Gekko with a hand clap. “I can’t say it will be exactly a fair race, but the men have chosen. Now two volunteers each. If you want to volunteer for the dark fudge pop, stand to my right. And if you have a taste for some caramel macchiato, to my left please.”
Raina felt a nudge from Dragon and she shook her head. For some reason, she was certain that the only thing worse than watching Eagle getting blown by two women among this group was being one of those two women as the group looked on.
Owl stepped forward and sat at Eagle’s side by his waist.
Raven stepped forward and sat next to Emu.
Swan stepped up for Eagle.
And Panda went for Emu.
Raina shot a look at Dragon who seemed neither surprised nor bothered. She had an arm around Otter’s shoulder and her hand was stuffed in Otter’s lacey bra. Otter’s head resting on Dragon’s shoulder and arm around her waist.
Gekko smiled and nodded his approval at the selection of tributes.
“Okay, let’s get a timekeeper in the crowd, please. How about you?” He pointed at Raina and gestured for her to step forward. She hesitated for a moment, then approached him with slight apprehension. Gekko pulled a small stopwatch from an incognito pocket in his super tight shorts and handed it to Raina.
“Gentlemen,” he said, turning to the two men. Do not worry about the time. We want you to enjoy this experience. But we will be counting down.
Ladies and gentleman volunteers…,” Eagle flinched at ‘gentleman’ and seemed to consider peeking from under the pillow to make sure there was no funny business going on on his side.
Raina reached to give his stretched arm a pat of reassurance as Gekko continued, “..take your places, whoever is going to begin first. If you feel yourself getting tired, feel free to tap your partner in and keep going like that until you have achieved your goal of ejaculation.”
Owl and Raven positioned themselves as firsts on their respective sides. Owl wrapped her petite hand around Eagle’s shaft and Raven did the same with Emu.
Gekko called the mark and on ‘Go’ both women lowered their heads to begin working and Raina started the clock. The moment Eagle’s semi hard dick entered Owl’s mouth, his back arched slightly. Owl started off slow. She stuffed most of the penis into her mouth, then pulled her head back – cheeks sucked in – she was elongating the flesh to fill with blood. It was working.
One of Eagle’s hand came down to touch her head, but Gekko called out, “Uh uh, no touching Mr. Eagle.”
Raina wondered if Eagle could tell that it was not her own mouth teasing him. Owl was doing it exactly as Raina would have done.
On the other chaise, Raven seemed to begin with a sucking and jerking rhythm. At one point, she was simply jacking Emu’s dick to stiffness and Gekko called out, “This round is ‘oral’ stimulation, Miss Ma’am. Put your mouth on it.”
Raven was sweating at the brow and leaned down again to add in her mouth. She slid her mouth up and down the semi limp shaft, her curved hand attached to her lips the whole time.
Owl had achieved a full erection with Eagle and now maintained a steady pace, shining the cock and occasionally deep throating it to Eagle’s audible pleasure.
“Damn,” Dragon said out loud. “I guess I was wrong.”
“We were wrong,” Otter mumbled.
Emu did not have a full erection yet by this time and two minutes had elapsed on the clock. Panda stepped up behind Raven and gently tapped her shoulder. She whipped her head to look up at him and her eyes were shooting daggers.
Panda leaned in to Raven, his mouth was moving as he spoke, but even from where she was standing between the men, Raina could not make out what he was saying. Raven sat staring down at Emu for a moment, then got up from the chair. Emu’s limpness flopped to his thigh.
Panda took Raven’s place and grabbed onto the now fully flaccid cock.
He began using a method similar to Owl’s but instead of long sucking motions, his were short and mouth was making suckling and slurping noises and he moved at a faster pace. The results were almost immediate. Emu’s dick began swelling visibly and he was moaning from under the pillow.
Panda also made use of both hands. When the cock was fully erect, he collected Emu’s testicles in one hand and held a firm grip as his wet mouth shined the mushroom tip. His other hand had formed a C-shape and was wrapped around the penis base. Emu was losing his mind.
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