The three of them watched in terror as Mistress 3397 picked up a long wooden paddle and walked in front of them. 3621 was to be the first to be punished since she was the first one to commit a violation of the rules. 3621 was hardly able to do it but she bent over Mistress 3397’s desk and stuck her ass up in the air. As both 3567-A and 3567-B moved aside as they waited for their turn 3621 prepared herself for what was expected from her.
“T-h-ank you m-istr-ess for for gi-vi-ng this w-hor-e sla-ve the the p-p-ad-dlin-g it de-ser-ves!”
“Th-a-n-k yo-u mi-str-ess f-or giv-ing t-his who-re s-la-ve t-he pa-dd-lin-g it de-se-rv-es!”
“Tha-Th-an-nk y-ou mis-mis-tre-ss for gi-gi-g-iv-in-g t-hi-s w-w-wh-ho-re s-sl,la-ve the-th-e pa-dd-ling it-it-it d-de-es-de-se-er-ves!”
“Th-Tha-a-n-k yo-yo-u mist-mis-t-ress f-o-r gi-g-iv-vi-ng thi-thi-s wh-w-h-ore s-sl-av-av-e th-th,e p-p-pad-pa-ddlin-g i-t de-se-des-e-rav-es!”
“T-Th-an-Tha-n-k yo-y-o-yo-u m-ist-mis-t-ress fo-r-fo-r gi-iv-gi,vi-ng t-h-is w-wh-ho-r,e sl-ave the pad-dl-ing it-it des-des-er-ves!”
“Tha- Than- Thank y- y- you mis- mist- mistress fo- fo- for gi- gi- giving thi- thi- thi- this who- whor- whore sl- sla- slav- slave the-the the pad-pad-paddle-paddling it-it-it de-des-deser-desereserves!”
“Tha-Tha-Thank you-you-you mis-mist-mistr-mistress for-for-for giv-giv-giv-giving this-this-this who-whor-whore sl-sl-sl-ave th-th-e pa-pa-ddl-padd-pa-ddl-ing it des-es-er-v-se!”
“Th-an-k-Tha-Than-k you-you-you-you mis-mistre-mis-mis-mistre-ss fo-fo-fo-r gi-gi-giv-giv-ing th-th-th-is wh-who-who-re sla-sla-sla-ve t-th-th-th-the p-p-pa-dd-pa-paddl-pa-ddl-ing i-i-i-t d-d-des-de-serv-des–de-dese-rv-es!”
“Tha-Than-Th-an-an-k y-yo-y-yo-y-yo-u mis-tr-mist-re-ss f-fo-f-f-fo-r t-th-t-he p-pa-pad-dl-pa-p-paddl-p-p-pad-dl-ing th-th-th-thi-t-th-is wh-w-hor-who-r-w-hor-e sl-s-la-s-lav-sla-ve des-de-serv-d-es-de-se-rve-s-s-s!”
“T-T-ha-Tha-Th-an-k yo-y-yo-yo-y-yo-u mis-mi-m-ist-mi-stre-mis-re-ss fo-f-o-fo-f-for pad-dl-pa-dd-pad-le-padd-lin-g thi-th-t-hi-s w-hor-who-re s-s-la-sla-v-s-lav-e i-i-i-it des-d-eser-ve-s!”
3567-B could only thank god that 3621’s paddling was over. With her low pain tolerance she had been crying like she was being murdered by the time it was finished. Still this also was now a problem for 3567-B and her sister. Because this meant it was their turn and they didn’t have that much better of a pain tolerance.
However Mistress 3397 had a twist when it came time for their paddling. Instead of them crying out “Thank you mistress for giving this whore slave the paddling it deserves!” The other slaves would cry out “Thank you mistress for giving those whore slaves the paddling they deserve!” So twenty more times the whack of the paddle striking a slave’s ass sounded and twenty times the other slaves shouted out. “Thank you mistress for giving those whore slaves the paddling they deserve!”
Even days later 3567-B can still vividly remember that paddling as she rubbed her ass. As she looked at 3621 sleeping peacefully between her and her sister 3567-B remembered what happened after their paddlings. Mistress 3397 announced that her sister, 3621, 3613, 3569-A, 3569-B and herself were now under her detect control for the remainder of their training. Then that she was in charge of how and when they gave or received pleasure. Next their living arrangements were changed now 3567-A and 3567-B would be cellmates with 3621. While 3569-A and 3569-B would now share a cell with 3613. The final rule change and the one they all liked the most was they were free to have sexual relations with any of the six slaves in their group. However to have relations with three members that weren’t their cellmates would require prior permission from the mistress and should any of the other slaves with the exception of the mistresses want to have their way with them they must also have permission from Mistress 3397 or suffer her wrath.
As 3567-B got to that point in her memory of that day she decided to call it a night and to snuggle up to her lovers. After all Mistress 3397 was a demanding task master and she would need her rest to serve her mistress at the best of her abilities.
Chapter Five coming soon.
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