Ricky covered his erection with his hand, turned and jumped into the pool. After 15 minutes in the pool, the two horny lifeguards come out of the supply room and take their places across the pool from each other on their chairs. I look at Ricky’s mom and wink. Speaking of Ricky’s mom, she is a feast for the eyes in the water. Her movements are graceful and she can swim fast. She swims underwater along the bottom for a great distance. At first I worry about her, because she stays underwater for so long. Did I catch her, taking a long look at Ricky under the water? After a while, she comes up to Ricky, “I wonder what it would be like to kiss underwater?”
Ricky is always up for a challenge. “Let’s try it.” They both go down under water, facing each other, and I can see them locked in a kiss. When they come up, Ricky gasps, “You about strangled me, kissing so long.” When he caught his breath, he put his head down under the water and I could see him suckle his mother’s nipple. She jumped a little, surprised at the contact. Not one to be left out, I went under the water, swam between the two, and took Ricky’s stiff cock in my mouth. I sucked while tickling his scrotum with my fingers. Then I felt someone sucking one of my nipples, and I looked to see Ricky’s mom, on her back under the water, at my breast.
We all three came up laughing and gasping. I look up to see the lifeguards watching us intently. The female lifeguard frowns and seems about to say something. We aren’t supposed to be naked, and we are getting sexual. We are breaking the rules. I cut her off, “Just let this be our little secret, and we will respect your storage room secret.” At that she put her hand to her mouth and blushed. She looked across the pool to her boyfriend, her eyes wide, and they shared a bewildered look.
We continued our antics, chasing one another, laughing and having a great time in the water. After a while, I get out of the water and sit on a chair near the pool, drying myself. Watching Ricky ascend up the ladder, out of the pool, I note his lean muscular body, and the water running off his cock. Did I ever mention what a beautiful penis he has? He is circumcised. I have never given it much thought until now. I will have to ask him about it sometime. Then Ricky’s mom gets out of the pool. She is also muscular, but has soft, luscious curves. Water runs down her body, dripping from her boobs, and flows down along her prominent inner labia. Her hooded clit protrudes from her inner labia, and I again wondered what it would be like to suckle it. Who knows what the future holds. So much to explore!
The ship pulls away from the dock at Cozumel as we dress for dinner. We enjoy a nice relaxing dinner in the main dining room. During this trip I am gaining a new respect for Ricky’s mom. Not only is her physique as perfect as a statue, but she is as smart as anyone I have ever met. She has a great deal of empathy towards others. On top of that, she has a sense of humor and loves to have fun. We are sitting at the table, visiting, when we hear three blasts from the ship’s fog horn, indicating that we are free from the constraints of wearing clothes and once again, we are on a nude cruise.
After dinner, we go to the fitness center for a workout. Ricky’s mom set us up on the machines and gives us goals to achieve. By the time we are finished, Ricky and I are exhausted. It is an interesting experience, working out in our underwear. It makes me feel incredibly sexy. I need to pay more attention to the lingerie I purchase, though. I need to get something more sexy. We aren’t allowed to use the machines nude, for obvious reasons.
After a quick shower, we make our way to the auditorium to watch a late comedy show. There are two comedians, a woman and a man. They are, of course, nude, and play off of that for their very adult dialog. Their sexual innuendos remind me of things that Ricky and I have done together. I begin to get aroused. We exchange glances and I notice that he and his mom share a few private laughs, too. I place my hand on his thigh, discreetly giving his cock a nudge, from time to time.
We are exhausted by the time we get to bed. Ricky goes over to his mother’s bed, and gives her a lingering kiss goodnight. Then he jumps into the sack with me and covers my lips with his. There is some heat in his kiss. I spoon him as we wait for sleep to overtake us. Drifting off to sleep, I can’t help thinking how delicious it feels to have my boobs pressed into his back.
I awake with my back to Ricky, our naked butts pressed together. Thinking about our body contact makes me hot. In just a few minutes I am wide awake and ready for action. Rolling over onto my back, I stare at the ceiling, wondering if I should wake Ricky. Absently I rake my nails over my mound and through my pubic hair. I can’t stand this. Flipping over and spooning him, my hardening nipples press into his back. This is great, waking up next to Ricky. I think of all the mornings that I woke up turned on, with no satisfactory resolution available. Sure I could rub one out, but that is second rate, compared with this!
Looking over at Ricky’s mom’s bed, I am happy to see it is empty. She must be working out again. So we are alone. Of course Ricky is still sleeping soundly. Reaching over his hip, I feel around trying to determine the state of his member. Bingo! Morning wood! I begin to fondle him, lightly. Moving very slowly, not wanting to wake him abruptly. I fondle him with just my finger tips, then pause for a moment, then repeat the treatment and pause again. His dick twitches a little from time to time, startling me. Sitting up on one elbow, I soundlessly kiss Ricky’s earlobe, his jawline and down his neck. Looking down at his face, I note the outline of his jaw, his square chin, with just a trace of stubble sprouting from it. Lowering my nose, I inhale the scent of his hair. It is a uniquely masculine smell, and I nuzzle my nose in it.
I continue lightly working on his dick, running my fingertips along the underside. A small dew drop of pre-cum appears on the tip of his mushroom head. I touch it with my fingertip, and a long strand forms as I move my hand away. Rubbing my thumb and forefingers together I feel how slippery it is. I long to rub it on the lips of my pussy. Reaching my hand down between my legs I do just that. My pussy is already wet from my own juices. Inserting first one, then two fingers into my vagina, they come out very wet. I bring my hand back over Ricky’s hip to his cock, applying my own lubricating juice. There is enough to make his cock nice and slick. I resume working on his dick, becoming more aggressive. I can’t help it. I am getting so aroused that my speed and pressure increase automatically, and my breath is ragged. At this point, Ricky is beginning to rouse. His body shifts in bed and he gives a contented moan.
“Mornin’, sunshine,” he says, his voice raspy with sleep. “What are you trying to do to me?” Ricky rolls over to face me. I throw my leg over his hip and pull him towards me, opening up my legs and feeling his dick against me, probing.
He reaches over and takes my face in his big hands, kissing me full on the lips. I put my arms about his neck and pull him even closer to me, shoving my tits into his chest. I work one hand down between us, and find his stiff member. I rub the soft mushroom head, slowly up and down my pussy lips, into the squishy wetness. Settling his tip at my sweet spot, I push him inside me. Laying side by side, we do not move. We just lay still, holding each other and enjoying the physical connection and the closeness. I love the feeling of fullness with Ricky inside me. He plants kisses on my face and neck. His hand roams freely, up and down my back, then squeezes my ass cheek in his large hand. Pulling my hip into his, he pushes in as deeply as he can. I feel him swell within me. Our pelvic bones come together.
As we lay, joined, my mind begins to wander. I think about what sex between Ricky and his mother must be like. Her body is very different from mine. She would be a little wider, a little heavier. Her pussy might not be as tight as mine, since she has passed a four inch baby through it. Her body is much more muscular than mine, not as soft. I did find out from Ricky that she is more verbal than I am during sex and laughs and talks more while making love. I wonder what kind of things they have to talk about while fucking? Then, too, their relationship is different than between me and him. I can imagine that she does a lot of teaching while they fuck. I would love to be a fly on the wall.
As these thoughts go through my mind, an itch continues to grow within me. I want to watch Ricky and his mom make love. Or maybe it would be interesting to join in and have a threesome. Ricky has made it clear that we need to have boundaries and privacy between us. If I could make love together with them, I could probably learn a few things about how to make Ricky happier. He could not object to that, could he? So what would be the best way to make it happen? If I bring it up with him, he would probably refuse, based on what he has said about boundaries. What if I arrange to walk in on Ricky and his mother while they are having sex? I could watch for a while, and gradually join in. But if either of them stopped and made an objection, then I would be shot down and it would not be right to try again.
Or, what if Rick’s mom and I started making out with each other, and then Ricky would walk in on us. Hmm. I could see how that might work. Would she make out with me? If Ricky walked in with two women passionately making out and getting sexual, I cannot imagine him not getting involved. Then it would be his idea. It might just work. It would probably work best while here on this cruise, since we are all three boarding together and often are without clothes. I try to work out the details in my mind, I will have to seduce Rick’s mom. I am becoming more and more aroused, thinking about it. Finally, I can take no more.
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