Then I met another guy through work, Gabriel, and we started meeting for lunch most workdays. He was handsome and caring, but I was cautious and took things very slowly with him. Finally, on the second week of lunching with him, I agreed to go out on an actual date. Auckland’s Anniversary weekend was only a week away, and I told Gabriel I would call it off with Max and for him to choose somewhere for us to go.
But the following Monday, I arrived home to find Max sitting and drinking beer with my father. He had come around to ask my parents if he could take me away on a yacht for the Anniversary weekend with his friends. My dad was looking very dubious, I guessed, as I was still quite young, still a month away from turning nineteen.
I listened as my dad asked questions about the competency of the guys sailing it, how big and safe the yacht was, whether we would have lifejackets, etc. And before I knew it, I was nodding and all sorted to go sailing.
When Max left, I had second thoughts; doubts flooded my head. I knew I should have declined and had intended to call it quits with Max. I felt I had been railroaded into the trip. But on the other hand, I had never been on a yacht, and listening to Max selling it to my parents, the trip sounded exciting. I told myself that as there were others on the boat, I should be able to avoid his advances and not let him sleep with me. I had heard him assure my father I would have a bunk to myself.
He was to pick me up around 7:30 am the following Friday. I suddenly realised I needed to ask at work for the Friday and the Tuesday off work. And that this could be a problem, as it was a long weekend, and me being one of the newest staff members, maybe everyone else at work wanted those days off.
On Tuesday morning, putting on my most humble look, I asked my boss about getting time off and was relieved to be told it was not a problem. I already had half a dozen days of holiday owing. And no one else had asked to extend their long weekend.
I then had the awkward task of calling Gabriel to tell him our date was off. I had to tell him a white lie about who I was going with, which left me feeling guilty as hell when I hung up.
Friday morning, I was up at 5:30, packing and asking my dad for help with everything I would need on a boat. Dad helped me pack stuff I would never have thought of. But I ensured he didn’t see the small white bikini I had bought for my weekend away.
I had two swimsuits: one was a bikini well past its used-by date, and the other was a one-piece. Having checked out online about sailing, I saw that all the girls on yachts wore skimpy bikinis. So I let one of my friends take me shopping and talk me into a bikini that was very much outside my comfort zone. It was brief, especially the top, which hardly contained my breasts. I did buy another much more conservative one, which I expected to wear nearly all the time.
On the way to the boat, I quizzed Max about how many others were going with us. I was alarmed to find that there were just two other guys. Mates off his that I had never met and that I was to be the only girl. I wanted to tell him to turn around and take me home, but I couldn’t pluck up the courage. The thought of all the friends I had told about the trip and having to explain to them and my parents made me bite my tongue.
When we got to Halfmoon Bay Marina, I was relieved to find two handsome, normal-looking guys waiting for us. Max introduced them as Ryker, who owned the yacht, and his mate, Aaron. They both made me welcome, helped me aboard, showed me where to stow my gear, etc. They were a lot older, and thankfully, I immediately felt very safe with them.
The boat was a forty-two-footer, whatever that meant. And had two bunks up in the bow, which Ryker informed me he usually had as a double bed, but seeing as I was on board, they had stowed the centre mattress, and he and Aaron would bunk up there. He showed me to the larger of the two bunks, each side of the cockpit. I was taking everything in and trying to remember all these new words. My bunk wasn’t quite a double, but much wider than the one on the other side he had allocated to Max.
Soon we were underway, Ryker had me sit with him, and he showed me how he controlled the boat and what he watched for in the sails. I found him fascinating; he was very worldly-wise; he reminded me of a gypsy. Dark hair pulled back into a ponytail that hung just past the nape of his neck. He had thick dark eyelashes and a 5 o’clock shadow; it was a little longer than that, more like a very close-trimmed beard. His olive skin was burnt dark brown from being outdoors. He only had a pair of cut-off jeans and a white tee shirt with the sleeves torn off and holes in it. You could see his well-defined muscles showing through the holes in his shirt.
I also took the time to evaluate Aaron. He was around six-foot, so just a pinch shorter than Ryker. Handsome in a rugged outdoor way, he was of a much more solid build than Ryker. He also had olive skin and was burnt brown, and his sun-bleached blond hair was quite long. Every time I looked, I saw he was checking me out, and he would smile and shyly look away.
Ryker told me we were heading for Tryphena, on Great Barrier Island, and would stay the night in the bay. But we would have dinner ashore with friends, and on the morrow, we would sail down to the Mercury Islands for two days.
Having never been to any of these places, I was excited and quickly fell in love with sailing. It was so graceful; the boat leaned over with the wind and flowed lazily up and down the waves. Ryker picked up on my enthusiasm, soon had me on the tiller, and coached me on getting the best speed out of the boat.
It was mesmerising, and I found my mind wandering, evaluating who I would like to go out with if I could have the pick of the three guys.
It was interesting to see Max in this company. He deferred to both the other guys in everything. This guy that I had thought for months was so in control and confident was a bit of a wimp around these two and jumping to do everything they said. It also didn’t help my opinion of him that I had already made my mind up that our brief relationship needed to end. So he was a non-starter.
Ryker was the most dazzling but also the oldest and super confident. I felt a bit nervous around him and was worried all the time I was going to blurt out something stupid. And although he was paying me a lot of attention, I didn’t get the impression that he intended anything more than to be friendly.
That left Aaron. His discreet glances showed his interest, but he had hardly said anything to me. I realised then that I felt strongly attracted and wondered if I had any chance with him. He probably had a girlfriend and would keep clear of me. And it didn’t help that Max was being possessive and attempting to make it clear that I was his, which was annoying me immensely.
So I sat at the helm with Ryker and took in all he was teaching me, but I ensured that every time I caught Aaron’s eye, I returned his smile. I also looked for an opportunity to let slip that Max and I were not an item.
In conversation, I learned that Aaron was also a Presbyterian, which was stupid as neither of us attended church anymore, but it felt nice to have something in common. I also learned that he came from humble beginnings, whereas Ryker had obviously come from money. I mean, he owned this fabulous yacht.
In the first few hours of sailing, I began to get a feel for the boat. We were sailing with a ten-knot breeze coming from slightly behind on the port side. I didn’t know what half of this meant, but Ryker loosened the sail and told me we were running with the wind and making good time. Aaron was down below, working on the outboard for the little rubber dinghy. That was something else that enamoured me to him, as my father had always taught me engine stuff. Max finally gave up trying to vie with Ryker or Aaron for my attention and wandered up to sulk at the bow.
Ryker said he needed a piss and for me to keep the yacht pointing at the end of what he told me was the Coromandel Peninsula. Then he stepped out onto the transom (a shelf on the back of the boat), unzipped and started peeing into the sea. I was shocked; I expected him to go to the toilet below.
He turned and caught me looking, “If you’re going to watch, you realise I will get to watch you when you relieve yourself.”
My head snapped back to the bow as his raucous laughter alerted the other two to my plight. I had taken in that his penis was impressive but knew that it being slack like that didn’t tell you what it would be like when it was hard. I had seen four dicks before; my father’s, brother’s, and Adams and Max’s. However, Ryker’s looked more significant than any of them; this thought sent unwanted tingles racing around my groin.
“I’m not going to pee from there!” I yelped, hoping that my wicked thoughts were not obvious.
“Oh, we’ll have you peeing from here before the end of this trip,” he stated.
I just thought, ‘You don’t know me yet. I can be very stubborn.’
Around noon, we sailed into Elephant Cove on what they told me was ‘Happy Jack Island’. Ryker explained that it was best to find a cove to stop for lunch, as the yacht rocked around a lot if we stopped out on open water. There was a cliff face to our left as we sailed into the cove, and Aaron pointed out an elephant on it. But it looked more like a rhinoceros to me. However, once Aaron described the shape. It was startling just how precise the elephant shape was.
Another reason for stopping at the island, they said, was they wanted to catch some fish to take to their friends for dinner. But we didn’t have much luck, and as there were no bites, we just left the rods hanging over the side while we ate.
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