Julie had to admit that the prospects were tempting. The week visit turned into two weeks. And then only ended so Julie could return home and settle her affairs there. Sammy went with her to help while Jenn stayed and tended to the business. Of course, Julie and Sam slept together while they finalized the sale of her house and prepared to move her to Phoenix.
Eventually, they made it back to Paradise Valley and Jenn. Julie took on a prominent role in the business which only made her happier. She needed to be busy and the working relationship between the three of them seemed to be perfect, as was the sex. Any kinks in the system were worked out, mainly due to their promise of openness and honesty.
Each of them secretly knew that there would be eventual issues, but those bridges would be crossed when they happened. In the meantime, they considered themselves to be uniquely lucky to have each other. And as they aged, they also realized that age is only a number and beauty is truly skin deep. Sam had no problem with the formation of a few wrinkles or a bit of sag. And the two sisters could only pinch themselves that they had an on-call stud who never seemed to tire of them, as long as they gave him periodic breaks. But even when they took occasional separate vacations, they always looked forward to coming back home, in more ways than one.
Sam and Jenn agreed that marriage was only a piece of paper and not necessary. Their word was their bond. Besides, it was a three-way relationship now that Julie was living with them. Traditional marriage was not an option.
They were living a real life fairy tale…art least the adult version of one.
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