“Make love to me,” she whispered.
It was the first time she’d used those words to describe what we did together.
Ed made sure the family heard all about us. My mother was livid but Anna was surprisingly supportive, almost impressed. “Do your thing,” she’d said to me when she called, “You’re pleasing each other and not hurting anyone else. Hell, if I was there I’d do her myself!”
Because she was now living at the beach and it was not exactly convenient to where she did most of her work, Susan would usually spend three or four days away working. But that still gave us three or four straight days together each week, and the way we fucked each other we needed three or four days to recover, believe me.
Before long the summer was winding down. It was just a few days before I would be heading back to school when I came in from work one afternoon and heard voices. Susan and my mother were seated out on the patio having a spirited conversation. The sliding door was open just a few inches so they hadn’t heard me enter the condo, but I could hear them clearly as they spoke, and I soon realized they were talking about me.
“Well, its time he knew,” my mother said, “we’ve all lived this lie long enough.”
“You make it sound so easy. After all this time I think it could do more harm than good,” Susan said.
“I raised him Susan, you didn’t. And we wouldn’t have such a mess on our hands if you hadn’t decided to start fucking him!”
“Terri, please…”
“I’m serious Susan, the time has come and we will all just have to deal with the consequences. Chad deserves to know. And just because he’s a great fuck and has a big cock are not good enough reasons to continue this relationship any longer. He should be out screwing college girls, not family members. We need to tell him the truth.”
I slid the door open and they both looked at me with horror in their eyes.
“Tell me what?” I asked. Susan closed her eyes and bowed her head. Dead silence.
“Well?” my mother said to Susan.
“You go ahead. I’m sure you’ve looked forward to this,” Susan said.
“Sit down, Chad,” my mother said.
I pulled a deck chair close to them and my mother began to tell me a dark, family secret.
“Chad, I want to start by saying that we are sorry we never told you this when you were young. We almost did a hundred times but we always chickened out. You were always so well-adjusted and we didn’t want to screw that up.
She took a deep breath and glanced at Susan’s watery eyes before continuing.
“When Anna was born I was very overwhelmed. It had been a difficult pregnancy and delivery and I was exhausted and depressed. Your father was often traveling during the week and was not much help. Susan was a senior in high school at the time and she offered to come over and help me. So, she moved into the guest room.
“During that time, over a number of weeks your father seduced Susan and they began a sexual relationship, and Susan became pregnant. After much soul searching, Susan decided she wanted to have the baby. That baby was you.”
I don’t know what my face must have looked like but I felt like I’d been hit by a truck. I swallowed and took a deep breath. She asked me if I was okay and I nodded.
“So, I divorced your father and told him to stay out of our lives. And I raised you as my own so Susan could finish school and go on to college.”
I sighed louder than I intended and looked at Terri and said, “So, you’re not my mother, you’re my aunt.” Then I looked at Susan and said, “And you’re not my aunt, you’re my mother?”
They both nodded.
“I’m so sorry, Chad,” Susan cried.
“Man,” I said as I rose out of my chair. “We are one fucked-up family.” I went into the guest bedroom so I could be alone.
An hour or so later Terri tapped on my door and asked if I was okay. I told her yes and that I was going to work one more day and then I’d be home the day after tomorrow and I’d talk to her then. I continued to lie in bed thinking about it all. I soon realized that once I dealt with the shock, I wasn’t really upset. I remembered what Anna had said. We weren’t hurting anybody, we were making each other feel good; and if it is okay for an aunt, why not a mom? We’re all adults here.
I opened the bedroom door and walked down the hall. The door to Susan’s bedroom was half open. I tapped on the door. Susan was sitting in bed reading a book.
“Are you okay, Honey?” she asked. She started to apologize again but I cut her off and sat down on the bed beside her. I detected my favorite scent.
“It’s okay,” I said. “I’ve been thinking a lot, and it’s okay. I know it must have been hard for you guys, but I think it would have worse if you’d told me when I was young. And thank you for not aborting me.”
Susan’s eyes watered and she squeezed my hand.
“And from now on in my life, I’ll never get pissed off if somebody calls me a motherfucker!”
She didn’t know quite how to react to that, but I smiled at her and she chuckled.
“And another thing I’ve learned is that I have a beautiful mother with a sexy ass who is great in bed.”
I leaned over and kissed her. In a flash my tongue was in her mouth and her arms were around me and my hand was between her legs and then we were naked and she covered my body with kisses and sucked me and licked me and I ate her and fucked her, and we came and came, we couldn’t get enough, hours of hard, dirty love, a total release, with no holding back and no more secrets, like we were once again fucking for the first time.
When I was taking my shower in the morning I got a blow job as a going away present.
I had just several days before heading back to school on Sunday. When I returned home Thursday night there was a little tension in the air but I was able to relieve it some by telling Terri what I had told Susan: That I’m okay, I understood that they were in a difficult position and I was glad they didn’t tell me sooner. I thanked her for raising me. Then I kissed her full on the mouth and spent the rest of the night messing around in my music room.
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