I found your neck again. I give you three hickeys as your moans rise in pitch. My fingers find your ass. I take some lube from your pussy. I tease your ass. You hand me a tube of lube. I put some on my fingers and rub all of your added extra in your pussy just past your outer lips. My fingers slip inside your hot ass, teasing just to the first knuckle as my fingers pull your lips, as my mouth treats your nipples as if they were on a switch cause they got turned on. Your hand has held my cock now without stroking me for half an hour or more. I know I’m close to coming, and you come by my hand. I slide inside the place where I came from. No thought for anything else as I slipped deeper into you. To your moans, you lift your hips to get me deeper when I hit bottom, you held me tight.
My Mom says. “So full, so much fuller, it’s like I’m a virgin again. Please be still.”
I was still like you asked, but my kissing you increased, as did my fingers found your clit, stroking it like it was my cock. You came, but my seven inches did not. We rocked the dance one led, then the other led. We changed positions to keep me from coming, then it did not matter. I lost it. A big load blew out of me with no warning.
We did not stop; we sped up. I could not keep this up forever, but I thought Mom making me come with her. So she came, I came, she came, and she came again, then I lost one last load to my Mom spraying me with her come. It sounded like a fire hose going off, but we wet the blanket and bed sheet we laid down.
Jill says. “She needed to pee.”
I say. “I can give you a hand or tongue on that, Jill.”
Mom giggled and, holding a hand on your pussy ran to the bathroom. I followed and sat on the tub next to the toilet. You opened your legs your pussy was on full display.
I grin at my Mom, lean in, and so softly kiss your pussy, cleaning up my cum. You moaned. “I raised such a good boy, always cleaning up his messes. Up please, baby, let me up to pee.”
I did. I sucked your pee right out of your pussy; it was a bit sour and salty.
I stood to feed you my kiss. You put your hand out, and you say. “Wait that’s gross but I spent my life saying no to my husband and for him to say no to me. I’m not sure what kinds of sex or kinks I have in me, but I never say no the first time to you for anything.”
You kissed me. You did not stop; your hand found my cock. It was getting hard, but I knew you were tired, and I tend to want to be greedy, but the thought of making or causing my Mom pain was a big no. I took you to the shower and cleaned us up. I asked. “Christmas movies or stepmom and stepsister porn with the plumber?”
It was the right thing to say Mom started laughing you wrapped us in blankets and we moved back to the living room. You started a movie we watched them till it was time for the sun to come up. We walked the beach at dawn. We would have many more days like this. We moved to the sunny south of France, bought a villa for next to nothing, restored it, and lived a long and happy life.
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