“There’s no way to fix the favela, because we’re just a byproduct of the larger system. The HAND will realize this sooner or later and when it does it will stop trying to treat a disease that it can just as easily cure.” In the end she’d compromised, choosing not to explicitly spell out what she thought was going to happen.
“Cure…” Maithri said softly, her eyes widening. “You… You don’t mean something like, extermination do you!?” Olivia blinked and then broke out laughing.
“No, this isn’t an action movie Maithri.” She said, almost rolling her eyes. “If it was going to do that we’d be dead already. Nah, my guess is that it’ll just figure out how things got like this and then go back in time…” She paused again as her girlfriend’s mouth dropped open. “Metaphorically speaking.” Olivia smirked. “It’s going to trace all the mistakes back to their point of origin and then fix them at the source. Permanently.” She said, emphasizing the last word.
“Hmm… I’m still hearing extermination.” Maithri snorted, turning up her nose and only looking at Olivia through one eye. She’d folded her arms across her chest and was getting dangerously close to sulking again. Her friend finally just shrugged.
“I’m not psychic.” Olivia grunted, feeling a tad guilty for what was probably a lie of sorts. “But I’m not stupid either. Why don’t you tell me what you would do if you were an omniscient all-powerful entity with access to all human knowledge and nearly infinite resources? The only thing we know for a fact is that it has been helping us, ever since it was created. But the really difficult problems that led to this moment in history, they didn’t happen on accident. We Caused the strokes. We cut down all the trees. We turned the oceans into acid. So it can’t really help us in the present if it can’t correct the human traits that made all those things possible.”
The truth was, at least to Olivia’s mind, that this specific concept was far more terrifying than wholesale extermination. The AI could have killed them but it didn’t, and now that only left a handful of options, the most likely of which was the one she’d described. “I think it’s only a matter of time before the HAND um… I don’t know, resets things somehow? I mean it already has to some extent.”
Maithri thought about this for several seconds, her eyes darting back and forth, her mind racing. “I will admit, I hadn’t considered a third option.” She said quietly. “All-powerful, all-knowing, but merciful, maybe even benevolent. Of course it wouldn’t be satisfied with the way things are, because they’re obviously bad, but it won’t exterminate us either because that would be worse, and as you pointed out triage is only temporary. So that’s it then…” She stuck the tip of her thumb in her mouth and chewed briefly on her nail.
“It’s good news really.” Olivia said, breaking Maithri out of her meditative stupor. “We’ll be left alone for awhile, it won’t be much different than it was before, although maybe not. The one thing I’m absolutely certain of is that it won’t let us die. Things won’t be like they were Maithri, all the things that humans created and valued… Money, jobs, status, ideals, none of it means anything to a being that sees the world as it is, without all our bullshit and bad excuses.”
Maithri didn’t know exactly what that meant, mainly because it didn’t explain exactly what the HAND did care about. Olivia had said their survival, but that was open to interpretation. Survival, but perhaps not as they knew it. Not as humanity defined it. But she decided to keep those thoughts to herself, there wasn’t any need to add even more ingredients into what was already an overly complicated soup.
It was later that very night while the three of them were peacefully curled up together in Marcella’s bed that the first domino fell. They all woke up to a shuddering that rattled the plastic walls and polycarbonate windows, causing them to flex and thrum deafeningly in their frames. It was a sound louder and deeper than thunder that they could feel in their bones. Maithri screamed, Marcella sprang up into a defensive posture, wrapping her arms around her daughter, smushing Olivia’s face roughly into her boobs. The girl just sighed and let her body go limp. She knew what had happened, since she’d already seen it in her mind’s eyes those many, many weeks ago.
After several minutes the rumbling stopped, the world settled once more. “My ears are ringing.” Maithri said weakly, her hands going up to the sides of her head.
“What the fuck was that. No way it was an earthquake.” Marcella cursed, finally relaxing enough to let her daughter extricate herself from the improvised shelter of her almost disturbingly rigid and muscular body. Olivia rested a hand on her mother’s significantly larger belly, it had doubled in size over the last few months.
“Everything’s fine mamãe, everyone’s safe.” She murmured, then reached over and grabbed her girlfriend by the arm, pulling the three of them together. “Get over here.” She huffed, stabbing her fingers into the back of Maithri’s hair and pulling her face forward. She gave her a rather ferocious kiss, leaving her breathless and startled, but strangely no longer afraid. Then she did the same to her mother, only using both hands and slightly more force. Ignoring her flailing protests, kissing her even more fiercely until she melted and went limp. “Nothing is going to happen to either of you as long as I’m here.” She said simply, finally letting her mother come up for air.
Marcella breathed loudly through her nose, her wet lips mashed shut, the sensation of Olivia’s tongue still wriggling around in her mouth. She felt flustered but strangely subdued, somehow despite her ruthless military training and biological enhancements, her instincts as a submissive and a woman were far stronger, or more specifically it was her daughter’s overwhelmingly dominant behavior that had sucked all the fight and fright right out of her. She was left feeling completely safe, complacent, adoring and unbelievably horny. It was crazy. Blushing, her face uncomfortably hot she waited for Olivia to tell them what to do next.
“Both of you go back to sleep. We’re not in any immediate danger, it can wait until morning.” Olivia murmured soothingly. Marcella immediately flopped back over on her side and tried to wriggle back underneath the covers, shivering with arousal, a surprising amount of pussy juice squishing out from between her tightly clenched thighs. Maithri was a little slower, giving Olivia an appraising look before sniffing conspicuously, turning and laying her head back down on the pillow. She closed her eyes and felt strangely drowsy, wondering if the stress of the… Whatever it had been, was causing this mysterious tranquility or if her blind, boundless love for Olivia was to blame.
She grunted in self disgust, feeling a final annoying pang of pleasure surge through her wide-awake, strangely soggy pussy and fell gratefully back asleep. When they all woke up together several hours later the first thing Marcella did was trot over to her computer and connect to the state intranet to see if she could find any information on the event. Olivia just yawned, took Maithri by the hand and led her to the kitchen. “Trust me, it’s fine.” She mumbled, blinking her bleary eyes.
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