“Looks like you have some fans,” She said as she looked at me.
“OK, seriously I want to thank you for funding the startup of this club. You had such confidence in Zoe making it happen. Not everyone could do it. I would never have met Zoe without the club. Now she is my best friend and even better she pays me! To perform that is.”
“Round of applause for these two. Daddy sit down. You are holding up my act. Jesus what an attention grabber.”
She could really work a crowd.
Zoe leaned over and whispered, “We are dating.”
I almost fell out of my chair.
“Zoe, I didn’t know you like …”
She finished the sentence for me, “Women? Jan is the first. I still like guys and so does Jan. She is great, maybe that is why her set is almost always about sex.”
I heard Jan ask the crowd if they wanted the lightning round first. There was a resounding yes.
“Zoe, what is the lightning round?”
“Oh, she runs through 10 corny sex jokes really fast. It gets the crowd going before her more involved routine. You have to listen closely, she doesn’t stop for laughs.”
She held the mic and started to walk back and forth on the stage.
“Here we go team!”
“Two men broke into a drugstore and stole all the Viagra. The police put out an alert to be on the lookout for the two hardened criminals.”
“I bet you can’t tell me something that will make me both happy and sad at the same time,” a husband says to his wife. She thinks about it for a moment and then responds, “Your penis is bigger than your brother’s.”
“A naked man broke into a church. The police chased him around and finally caught him by the organ.”
“How is playing bridge similar to sex? If you don’t have a good partner, you better have a good hand.”
“What did the leper say to the sex worker? “Keep the tip.”
“A man and a woman started to have sex in the middle of a dark forest. After about 15 minutes, the man finally gets up and says, “Damn, I wish I had a flashlight!” The woman says, “Me too, you’ve been eating grass for the past ten minutes!”
“How can you tell if your husband is dead? The sex is the same, but you get to use the remote.”
“What do tofu and dildos have in common? They are both meat substitutes.”
“A guy is sitting at the doctor’s office. The doctor walks in and says, “I have some bad news. I’m afraid you’re going to have to stop masturbating. I don’t understand, doc, the patient says. Why. Because I’m trying to examine you.”
“Why does it take 100 million sperm to fertilize one egg? Because they won’t stop to ask for directions.”
She was done. There was laughter here and there after a joke, but quieted down quickly because you could miss the next.
In my opinion, some were good, some not so good, but all were corny.
At the end, she got an enthusiastic round of applause, some hoots and laughter.
“Any favorites?”
“Donut guy!”
“Wait a minute, that was his joke. Really?” she said.
“Meat substitutes!”
“Your penis is bigger!”
“Thanks team, so noted. Should I keep Daddy’s joke? He is so annoying.”
More laughter. She is riding me hard. I can take it.
“Now for the show.” Jan shouted, spun around 360 and launched it.
Jan was great. Her routine was all about sex. Boyfriend, girlfriend, porn videos, ex-politicians, even a little incest. People were falling off their chairs, laughing so hard. 45 minutes went by so fast. Standing ovation at the end and graceful bow by Jan. She could could make it in one of my LA clubs, no problem.
Zoe joined her on the stage, “Once again Jan Wiggins.”
No one had sat down so the applause got louder. Jan exited the stage and headed to our table.
Zoe at the mic, “A little change of pace. Please welcome the band – Fur Bunnies!”
She disappeared backstage.
Tepid applause, I feel sorry for them having to follow Jan. Four cool looking female band members, Fur Bunnies? I think I get it.
Jan sat next to me. Not even a hello. “Come in this place often?”
One of those classic pickup lines. I am sure she was working on a joke.
I calmy responded, “No, I often cum in my bedroom.” Followed that up with a right hand stroking motion.
I caught her off guard, she busted out laughing not expecting a clever response.
“I like you!” she said as she placed her hand right next to my crotch.
“You are really close to my parking spot.” I said smiling.
She removed her hand, “Oh, sorry! Must be the handicapped parking.”
She laughed, I laughed.
“You are so quick. I love it.” I told her.
The banter continued, the drinks kept coming. I was having a blast. Thank you, airport, for shutting down.
A good looking male comic performed his set. He was OK, nothing close to Jan. I was wondering if he was in her stories in the show.
Zoe was back after introducing the comic named Ralphie. She sat next to me on my other side. Eat you heart out dudes. I just got here, and I am surrounded by the two sexiest women in the room.
“Jan, is he in your show?”
“Oh Ralphie? No, but I did fuck him. So did Zoe.”
Zoe chimed in, “Yep, we did it together. My first threesome. He was awful. He couldn’t keep up with us. So disappointing. We asked him to leave.”
Too much information for Daddy. Looks like Zoe hanging out with Jan has changed her outlook on sex. I wonder how far. I had a weird thought about Zoe and I together. I literally shook it off.
“He must not have hard feelings coming here to perform.” I stated.
“His contract runs out tonight, this is his last show. He is not a happy camper. If he was better in bed, I might have renewed.” Zoe shared.
“Wow, your tough!”
Zoe headed to the stage to introduce the final singer.
Jan leaned into to me placing her hand right on my cock.
“She is the last performer. That empties the waiting room. Let’s go.”
While standing up, she grabbed my hand and gave me a gentle tug to stand up. I didn’t want to make a scene. She took me backstage to the waiting room. She ushered me in first. It was empty. There was a couch, chairs, and a self help bar. It was dimly lit. She closed and locked the door.
“No audience allowed for this show.”
She led me to the couch and pushed me down. She kneeled between my legs. She placed her hand right on my cock and began moving up and down on it. She moved back so that she could pull down the top of her dress, one shoulder at a time bearing her large breasts. The areolas were silver dollar in size with a hardened nipple in the middle of each one. I wanted to play with them.
My erection was growing. She moved her hand back to it, placing her thumb and index finger on the outside of my shaft. She moved up and down several times always stopping at the head and running her fingers across it. I closed my eyes. It has been a while since Julie and I played out her fantasy.
“Are you going to sleep or loving it?”
“Loving it, I am ready for more.”
“What does more look like? Tell me, be explicit, talk dirty to me.”
“Lick my cock, kiss the head, suck my cock, take it down your throat. Make me cum in your mouth!”
“Yes Daddy, I can do all that for you.”
What the …Daddy, I am not her Daddy. But it is damn exciting. Is she fantasizing about blowing her Dad? Well two can play that game.
“Thanks Zoe, Daddy loves you. Do you want Daddy’s cock in your mouth?”
She looked up at me and smiled.
“Yes Daddy. Can I take it out of your pants now?”
Jan did not waste any time. She unbuckled the belt, undid the top clasp, ran the zipper down and pulled down my pants and briefs down in record time. She has done this before.
My cock was standing straight up.
“Zoe, hurry, please suck my cock. Daddy is so hard.”
I was having a blast, the thought of my daughter sucking my cock was so wrong, so exciting but she wasn’t really doing it was she? Would I like her to do it? No, that’s incest. I don’t know.
Jan grabbed the bottom of my shaft. Yes, this is going to happen.
She gently placed her tongue on the sensitive part of the head. She licked it then swirled her tongue around the head. She lifted up a moment and drooled down on the head drizzling down the shaft to the top of her hand. She added more saliva as she licked up and down on the shaft. I was getting excited.
“Zoe, your Daddy is getting really excited about you sucking my cock. I love you baby. We need to do this more often.”
“Daddy, will you fuck your Zoe after I make you cum?”
Now I got real, we need to return to the table before the end of the set when Zoe goes to the office to count up the take for tonight and determine the talent payments.
“Let’s do that later baby. I want to fuck you in your bed tonight.”
“Yes, I promise. Daddy will fuck you tonight.”
Jan resumed working my cock. She wrapped her lips around the bottom of the head, near the top of the shaft. While holding position, she stroked me, first slowly then vigorously while sucking on my head. I could feel the precum leaking out.
Jan pulled off the head but still stroking the shaft. She took one ball in her mouth at a time sucking them away from the sack while stroking me.
“Zoe baby, you are so good.” I had to tell Jan.
Back to my cock, hand on the base of the shaft, Jan wrapped her lips again around the head. Moving up and down with a tight lip grip on my cock, she worked closer and closer to her hand. I felt the familiar feeling of an orgasm firing in me.
The last downward move reached her hand. She pulled it away and pushed down all the way to my pelvis. Up top, then back down again. I was seconds from cumming. The head of my cock forcing it’s way into her throat.
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