“Well, Hollie, I think I’ll start in the lounge and get something to eat,” I said, running my eyes over Hollie, loving how the cocktail dress emphasized her ass and bust.
“This way,” Hollie said as she turned and led me into the lounge. I loved how her ass moved, swaying and bouncing in the way I liked. Her heels made her calves look nice, adding three inches to her height.
As Hollie led me to a table, I looked around and liked what I saw. I noticed there were several couples already seated and a few single women sitting by themselves. Many eyes were locked on me, making me feel warm as I knew I had their attention. Finally, Hollie led me to an empty table and asked, “Will this table be okay?”
“Yes, Hollie,” I said, sitting with my back to the wall so I could see the whole lounge.
Hollie handed me a menu and said, “Angela will be your server tonight. Enjoy!”
I smiled and said, “Thank you, Hollie. I’m sure I will.”
I studied the menu and discovered an eclectic selection of foods and drinks. When Angela bounced up to me with a big smile, I checked her out, liking what I saw. She was wearing a white button-up shirt with black slacks and a vest. She said, “Hi! I’m your server, Angela. Would you like to order something to drink?” She was checking me out too, and it seemed like she liked what she saw.
I smiled up at her and said, “Yes, Angela, I’d like to start with a Hanky-Panky, please.” I liked trying drinks made with gin, and this one sounded like a good one to try.
Angela reached out and touched my shoulder, saying, “That’s a great choice. I’ll get right on it.”
Angela turned and bounced away, and my eyes followed her until she turned the corner to head to the bar. Her slacks hugged her ass, and I loved how it moved. Once she was out of sight, I looked around and checked out the other patrons. I noticed that most were older than me, and many wore nice outfits. I was the only one in jeans.
I was conscious that many of the older women were eying me, most with frank looks of approval. I just smiled whenever we made eye contact as I studied the menu. When Angela returned with my Hanky-Panky, I ordered the Chicken Parmesan with a house side salad. Angela approved of my selection, touching me on the shoulder again. We exchanged smiles again, and Angela worked her walk as she headed back to the kitchen to put in my order.
I sat back and looked around, checking out the other patrons while sipping my drink. One, in particular, caught my eye, and we exchanged looks and smiles. She wore a nice blazer, a matching pencil skirt, and a ruffled blouse. She had nice legs, and her blouse was open enough to get a view of the tops of her breasts. I noticed that whenever our gazes met that her foot started bouncing. My nipples began aching, and my pussy heated up as I considered the possibility of us hooking up. My foot started bouncing, too.
Just then, Angela approached me with another Hanky-Panky and set it on my table. She said, “Someone wanted to buy you a drink.”
I smiled up at her and said, “Please give her my thanks.”
I watched as Angela walked over to the woman I was exchanging glances with and said something to her. She smiled and held up her drink as a salute to me. I did the same, my body thrumming at making a connection. She picked up her purse and drink, got up, and headed over to my table.
I flashed her a wide smile as she walked up and said, “Hi! I’m Bonnie. Mind if I sit?”
“Not at all, Bonnie. I’m Anna,” I said.
Bonnie smiled widely, sat down, and slid over until she sat beside me. After putting down her drink, she turned and asked, “Do you come here often, Anna?”
“No, this is my first time,” I answered. I reached over and put my hand on Bonnie’s thigh, my fingertips touching her skin below the hem of her skirt. I heard her breath catch when I did that and smiled. I said, “How about you?”
Bonnie licked her lips and said, “I try to stop in whenever I’m in town on business.”
“Well, I’m glad business brought you here tonight,” I replied. I licked my lips and looked up into Bonnie’s expressive brown eyes. I figured she must be 5’8″ and was close to my mother’s age.
“Yes, I also got to visit my daughter while here,” she said. I noticed a flare of lust in her eyes when she said the word ‘daughter’ and wondered if she was into Mother/Daughter role-playing or, dare I believe it, incest? When she added, “When you walked in, Anna, I would have sworn you were her,” I was even more convinced when I saw another flare of lust in her eyes.
To see if my suspicions were on track, I asked, “So, does your daughter live here?”
“No, she’s going to school here in Boston,” Bonnie said. “She’s studying Theatre at Emerson University.”
“That’s nice,” I replied. I leaned in and said, “I’m going to Harvard to get my MBA.”
When I said that, Bonnie’s eyes dilated to nearly black, and her breath caught again. I smiled as I realized I might have some fun tonight if I played this right.
Just then, Angela showed up with our food. She didn’t seem surprised that Bonnie was sitting with me, so I figured Bonnie must have told her before coming to my table. Before I took my hand off Bonnie’s thigh, I squeezed it, promising to revisit that later.
We thanked Angela and started eating, chatting about the recent Presidential election that Richard Nixon won, defeating Hubert Humphrey and George Wallace. We both were surprised that Wallace had won five states and came in second in four more states, taking most of his votes away from Humphrey. We exchanged significant glances throughout dinner and even sampled each other’s entrees, acting almost like mother and daughter, as I imagined Bonnie was fantasizing about.
I kept prompting Bonnie to tell me about her daughter and discovered her name was Michelle. However, she preferred being called ‘Elle. I also learned that ‘Elle loved ballet and theater, being active in her high school theater club. By the time we finished dinner and our drinks, it was evident that Bonnie was fantasizing about having an incestuous relationship with her daughter and wanted to use me as a surrogate.
Bonnie insisted on covering the bill, as a mother would do if she was having dinner with her daughter, so I didn’t protest, planning how the rest of the night would go. Once Angela left with a nice tip, I turned to Bonnie and asked, “Would you like to dance?”
The dance floor was crowded, but we found a spot, faced each other, and started dancing. I let Bonnie take the lead while I mirrored her moves, dancing closer and closer until our bodies were in near-constant contact. Our eyes were locked the entire time, and I could tell that Bonnie was really into me. I was into her, too, and was looking forward to returning to her hotel or my dorm room.
Eventually, we were both so primed and hot that I took Bonnie’s hand and led her off the dance floor and back into the lounge. I turned to her, standing so close that my chin was almost in the valley between her breasts. I looked up and asked, “Where are you staying?”
I heard a low moan from Bonnie’s mouth as her eyes dilated to black. She licked her lips and said, “I’m staying at the Double Tree over on Everett Ave.”
“Did you drive?” I asked.
“No, I took the shuttle,” she answered.
I touched her arm, smiled, and asked, “I can drive us there if you want?”
Bonnie’s breath hitched, and she licked her lips again before answering, “Yes, I’ll take you up on that.”
With that, we headed out and to my car. I handed her in on the passenger side before getting behind the wheel. Due to the one-way streets, I had to go around the block to get on 4th St and then north on Everett Ave.
I parked in the parking lot, jumped out, and handed Bonnie out of the car. We walked in and headed for the elevator, acting like we were just two co-workers heading back to our rooms. Once we were in the elevator, I stepped up to Bonnie, placed my hands on her core, looked up into her eyes, and said, “I’m glad we got the chance to do this, Mom. I’ve been looking forward to this for some time now.”
Bonnie audibly gasped, swallowed hard, licked her lips, and husked, “Well, ‘Elle, I’ve been looking forward to this, too.”
The elevator stopped, and we separated. I followed Bonnie to her room, standing back to let her unlock the door. It took her a couple of tries before she could get it unlocked, chuckling nervously, and opened the door.
I followed her in and turned to lock the door and engage the security chain. When I turned back to Bonnie, she stood beside the bed, looking a little nervous. I stepped up to her and started removing her blazer. “Here, Mom, let me help you with that.”
“Thank you, ‘Elle,” Bonnie said as she shrugged the blazer off her shoulders.
I leaned in and planted a light kiss on the top of her breast before asking, “Mom, can I tell you a secret?”
“Yes, dear, you can tell your mother anything,” Bonnie husked, a blush going down her throat and onto the tops of her breasts.
I locked eyes with Bonnie and said, “For the longest time, ever since I could remember, I’ve admired how beautiful you were. You probably didn’t notice, but my eyes always followed you when you were getting dressed.” I reached up and unbuttoned her blouse as I continued, “You always looked so nice, and all of my friends were jealous of me because my mother was so much prettier than theirs.”
I pulled her blouse open, exposing her core and white lacy bra that barely restrained her breasts. I could see her dark nipples trying to poke through the material of her bra as I pulled the hem out from her skirt. As I pushed her blouse off her shoulders and she finished shrugging it off, I said, “Mom, I loved watching you undress, too. You didn’t know I was watching, but I would look through the crack in the door and watch when you got ready for bed.”
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