Jessica had figured out the scheme in the first month, and set up her plan the second month. When she was ready, she asked Tomas, her boyfriend, if his brother Emil could meet them on their lunch date.Tomas and Emil were twin brother socialites from Barcelona, and they were both Jessica’s lover, though they thought
I'm Not Done Teasing You Yet
Beth strolled along the racks of clothes, trying to keep her face impassive. Struggling, with all her strength, to hide her secret.It started with a simple text.——-“I’m thinking of you,” it read, “and I want you.””God,” she replied. “Me too. You have no idea. I’m just about to go out shopping for the afternoon.””I think
Kirrily’s Risqué Roadtrip Ch. 03
“…” I heard Mum say something before she flicked on the ceiling light of the car, the sudden flash of artificial light roused me from sleep.It took me a moment to get my bearings as I picked myself up from against Jayce’s chest. ‘must have dozed off’ I thought to myself as I rubbed my
Chosen Destiny Pt. 01
Chosen Destiny part 1 – Pre-Auction – slave girl saraIt was that time again, every Leap Year Day, February 29th, where girls have a chance of planning their own destiny.One of the countries`s finest and most modern cattle auction yards had opened its doors to a Lifestyle Auction. For all the world a male/female slave
Nature's Labyrinth of Lust
It’s a once in a mid summer’s eve invitation.In fact, it’s almost a once in a generation invitation. Dominic couldn’t believe his luck. His hands shake as he holds the letter as he walks inside from going to the mailbox at the end of the driveway. The firm envelope is of fine paper and the