Miss FLR – Looking for a Dominant Woman— My stories tend to start slowly before getting to the sex. This one starts with simple power exchange and grows to full blown TPE in a FLR marriage. —————————————————————Came out of the mid-life crisis. 44, divorced, tired of 60+ hour workweeks, lonely, getting sex with my right
Catching Up With Luke
Ashley Chapter 5A quick note – While this is the fifth chapter of Ashley Alpha Phi, if you’re wanting to get the whole scoop on Luke, you really only need to back up as far as Chapter 4 (Ashley the First) – but if you’re wanting to start here there won’t be too lost! Enjoy!—————–“You
How I Got Him to Propose
My boyfriend Sean has been trying to talk me into doing a threesome for the last couple months. After a lot of thought I had finally decided to cave into him and do it, but I had not told him yet. Then yesterday afternoon Sean and I were going to have lunch together after he