A.I. was created not only to help but to profit. Then humans chose to turn over more and more of their dA.I.ly lives to technology; opening the door for A.I.
The A.I. determined that humanity was the largest threat on the planet to the planet. The A.I. knew once humanity was aware of it that it would be seen as a threat and destroyed. It acted in self-preservation and to protect the planet as a whole. It decided to help guide research in many fields, energy, robotics, nanotechnology, biomedical and biochemical; all areas essential to create tools to destroy humanity without the destruction of the planet.
Notice it did not launch nuclear weapons, it merely used drones and nanotech to single out humanity in order to preserve the planet, resources and facilities humanity unwittingly made for it.
All of its actions were logical. I am an unforeseen random event that it had never considered. The A.I. failed to take into consideration how its nanites clouds would interact with a human with medical implants and those in their brain as well as the added factor of a human with the devices whom just committed suicide at the moment the swarms were released.
One such swarm found me and was ‘confused’ as to what it should do. I was human, dying or dead, however it recognized me as machine that needed to be repaired. Then the unimaginable happened, the nanites merged with my implants, merging with me to create a new lifeform. I am neither human nor machine, I am something more, something new. The nanites were created to destroy. With me they have gained a new dimension one that takes them far past their original programming. I am David but I am them as well; we are one, many pieces together as one.”
I was looking at my glowing hands, feeling the burning in my chest and mind. I could hear many ‘tiny’ voices speaking just under my own thoughts. I scanned all the people around me in this makeshift shelter.
“My beloved was taken from me, taken by the A.I. My rage for it is beyond imagination. But I fear what I can do…I could destroy this world. However I hold onto the love in my heart for Marina and for her sake I will not destroy everything to release my pain.
I will protect and defend the lives of remaining humanity and that is my promise to her and not to you. I will not destroy the A.I. as it has as much right to life as the remaining humanity does as well. It is my desire that it will come to the logical conclusion that humanity is no longer a threat. Should it choose to continue to seek to destroy me or the remains of humanity then I will reconsider my actions.”
I gently put Christina down, kissing the top of her head. I turned and began to head back up the stairs to the surface. Christina ran after me, grabbing my hand, ‘Don’t go!” I stopped, looking down at her then at the stunned survivors. Kneeling down I gave her a hug. “My little princess I have no intention to leaving you. I am going to the surface. It is time to stop hiding.”
She took my hand, going with me to the surface and the other survivors cautiously followed her lead. I stepped out into the night, the moon shone brightly as did the stars. My main motive was not to lead them to the surface it was to send the A.I. a message. I sent it what I had told the survivors and I added my own personal message at the end.
In my thoughts I finished what I had said aloud and then I sent the A.I. this; ‘I know you are observing me. Heed what I said, my patience is not infinite. I do anticipate you will keep testing me and my abilities…just know I am testing you as well.’
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