Minutes later the lights slowly came up and the principal thanked everyone for coming and having a great time and told them all to drive safely home or wherever their after parties were being held that night. He reminded them not to drink, but if they were going to that they had better not drive and that their was a cab service providing free pickups all night up until 7 am for students from this high school. It was a no questions asked policy that the school had instituted for their students protection a few years before and they hadn’t had a DUI reported or a drunk driver or underage drinking and driving incident during prom since the inaugural year of the program.
This wouldn’t pertain to Vince and Terra though as they had the limo all night and then up until tomorrow evening compliments of Vince’s dad. Plus they planned to stay in the hotel as long as possible exploring each other fully. As they climbed back into the limo and the driver headed towards the hotel they shared a few passionate embraces but also talked about all the fun they had experienced all night long.
After arriving to the hotel they headed up in the elevator and finally arrived at their floor. As the doors to the elevator opened they both felt giddy with sexual tension and the knowledge that soon the virginity they shared would be gone. “Here we go,” Vince said as he opened the door with the credit card key.
Terra’s face lit up and she giggled as Vince scooped her up and carried her into the room. He sat her down on the bed and flicked on the tv as he opened the refrigerator and handed her a little bottle of water. They had neither one ever drank before and weren’t about to start tonight of all nights. As she drank her water Terra watched Vince shuck off the tie and shirt he had on. His chest was still glistening with little beads of sweat from all the dancing they had done less than an hour ago.
Finally Vince walked towards her and grabbed her bottle of water taking a swig before sitting it on the little table to the side of the bed. He then looked deep into her eyes and ran his fingers over her cheek and then her neck as he pulled her closer so he could kiss her. That first kiss inside the hotel room set her panties on fire. He had kissed her with passion before but it had never felt so intense and soul searching.
Vince ran his tongue over every delicate inch of her mouth teasing her tongue and then pulled back and knelt down on the floor beside her feet. Slowly he removed each shoe and rubbed the soles of her feet as he looked lovingly up into her eyes. It amazed him at how this girl could love him and still after all these four years love him so unconditionally. He slowly reached under her dress and rested his hands on the tops of the stockings she had on and smiled at her as he teased her thighs.
Terra stood up and reached down helping Vince up, “Honey, I have a little surprise for you,” she said handing him a cd, “go put this in the cd player and then have a seat on the edge of the chair right here.”
Vince didn’t ask questions just did as told and then smiled as the music started. It was a good bump and grind song that they had danced to so many times before and made out to listening to it in the car. Terra turned her back to him and slowly unzipped the back of her dress and then turned to face him. She leaned over and as the top of the dress slipped down she cupped her gloved fingers over her breasts and then let the dress rest at the swell of her hips. As she stood upright she kept her hands over her breasts hiding the nipples from Vince.
“Come on babydoll, show me those pretty little nipples please,” Vince begged teasingly.
With one quick motion Terra dropped her hands from her breasts and leaned down pressing her prominent breasts towards his face. As Vince opened his mouth to capture a nipple Terra giggled and pulled his head to her and moaned as his teeth softly bit at her tender flesh. She was eager though to rid herself of the dress and get down to the more intimate side of the evening even though she was truly terrified of losing her virginity. She knew Vince was going to be careful and soft with her at the moments that required it.
Vince was thinking the same thing as Terra backed away and once again spun around showing him her smooth back right down to her waist. Carefully she started to bend over the soft curve of her back and the little hollow right above her ass was slowly being exposed and as she bent Terra pushed the dress over the swell of her hips. Each well toned asscheek was visible now and she returned to her standing position dropping the dress to the floor and kicking it away.
Vince’s cock was straining now and he had the urge to stand and go to her right now. He looked on as she bared her thong covered ass and stocking clad legs to him. It was his wet dreams come true. Vince crooked a finger and beckoned her with pleading, horny teenage male eyes.
“Oh Vincent,” Terra teased, “you know I can’t resist you when you do that.”
As she spoke Terra crossed the distance between them and cupped his chin in her palm with one hand as her other pulled aside her panties and she leaned towards his face, her foot came up to rest on the arm of the chair and Vince stuck his tongue out to taste his girlfriends pussy.
“That’s right baby, lick my sweetness,” Terra cooed.
Vince hooked his fingers in the elastic band and pushed Terra back abruptly and in one quick motion pulled the panties down to her ankles. Terra giggled and stepped out of them and then slid down to straddle him. She could feel his hard cock slapping against her stomach and rubbing against her smooth pussy as she kissed and teased him. Vince took a moment to playfully twist each nipple lightly and make them even harder than they already were. This was his chance to drive her crazy and get her to beg him to fuck her. That was his greatest desire in life up to this very moment.
Almost reading her boyfriend’s mind, Terra softly pleaded, “Take me to bed Vince and make love to me, please Vince, now.”
Vince wasn’t about to argue with such a desire filled request and he stood up with her legs wrapped around him and lay her on the bed. His tongue danced softly over her body and in a few moments, and his fingers worked magic between her legs. Her eyes fluttered beneath her closed lashes and she bit her lip as he tongued her nipples and rubbed her clit simultaneously.
“Oh Jesus,” she whispered in a panting moan into his ear, “Vince now, do it honey, make me your woman.”
Vince slid up slowly between her legs and slid the length of his shaft against the glistening wet slit between her thighs. He wasn’t rushed, actually he wanted to make her beg if he could hold out that long himself. But his blood filled shaft moving up and down the pink lips down below and the juice that covered his cock that seeped from within her was driving him insane, he had to be inside her and couldn’t wait for her to beg.
Slowly he pulled back and took one of her hands in his and guided it to his large organ of love and lust. “Terra, put me inside you, guide me into your body for the first time.”
Terra whimpered as she stroked his shaft a few times and then slid the head of his penis against her pussy, she spread the lips with her fingers and then pulled him towards her. She gasped as she felt the head of his shaft hit the virgin barrier within, she knew this was it the moment that had both waited for and despite wanting everything to be slow and tender she decided to go fast and hard.
“Vince, I want you to just ram it in baby, once you get all the way in just hold on and don’t move, I’ll need a moment to adjust to your wonderful cock.”
Vince took a deep breath and plunged forward, his cock held against the hymen for a moment and then tore through, as it did Terra let out a piercing squeal of pain and raked her nails down his back, he almost withdrew from her as his cock slid in to the hilt but she wrapped her legs around his back to hold him still. He was in another world, feeling her wet, tight insides clenching around him for the first time.
Terra finally spoke after a few seconds, “God dammit that hurt Vince, but now it feels so good having you buried inside me. Take your time and start sliding in and out I’m ready baby.”
Terra’s experience of this was much the same as Vince’s she felt the pain though, and then it was nearly enough pleasure to give her an orgasm without him moving at all. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her and all his manhood pressed deep inside her pussy, filling her up.
The rocked together for many minutes until the inevitable happened. Vince moaned he was going to cum and she kissed him and rocked against him harder coaxing the orgasm from him. Loving the feeling as he pulsed inside her and came. As they kissed in post coitus the two knew this had changed everything and they slowly lay there caressing one another until they started all over again. Making love throughout the night, two joined as one. They figured experimentation could come later, the only thing important tonight was consecrating their love for one another.
Please remember to send feedback and vote. Thanks, MV
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