Vickie is dressed as an angel, with basically an identical outfit but in all white. Pair of wings and foil halo round out the ensemble. And did I mention the low neckline? Cleavage, man, I loves me some cleavage. I was sucking on those very tits yesterday morning while I jacked off…
Finally, we have Michele. She’s dressed with the same outfit, only half is red and half is white. One horn on the red side, one wing and half a halo on the white side. Obviously, she’s half angel, half devil, or she can’t make up her mind which to be. Either way, her decolletage matches the other gals. Christ they are fucking hot.
They are going upstairs with a frat guy. Vick grabs me and says to Jennifer that I’ll be back soon. Jennifer is disappointed but smiles at me.
The big guy upstairs puts his hand on my chest, not letting me through. Victoria changes that quickly by announcing that the girls are going back downstairs. What do you know, I pass through! Breasts come in handy sometimes. Well, really, all the time.
The party up here is different. Lot more laid back, there’s room, people are hanging out. The frat boys are told who I am and they are actually half-decent. Somebody got me a beer and I started playing Beer Pong with a few of them. My team-mate is called Tiny as he is 6-4 and 300+ pounds of solid muscle. We win a couple games, even as I’m trying to keep an eye on the girls. They are hanging in this big rec room thing with me, but are sitting on couches and getting pretty comfy with the guys. I am really not liking this.
The guy who Vickie is sitting with stands up, extends his hand, and he and Vickie head down the hall, towards the back.
This is not happening. He is NOT going to take her and …
“Easy there, cowboy” says, Tiny. He puts a massive paw on my chest.
“That’s my sister and I’m not letting…”
“Hey man, it’s cool,” he asserts.
“This is NOT COOL,” I say as I try and push past him. It doesn’t work. Everyone is now watching this David vs Goliath action. I have a whip, but no sling.
He stops me again.
“You don’t want to do this.”
“Yes I do!” And I struggled to get past him, to no avail.
It probably looked like one of those cartoons where the big guy holds out his hand and stops the little guy who is swinging but can’t even land a punch.
I’m struggling with him and he’s not even trying yet.
“Dude, if you could take me, which you clearly can’t, there’s 39 brothers here who would take you down. Now chill and listen to me.”
He’s got a point, but I’m filled with rage. Impotent rage, the worst fucking kind. My cheeks are red and my blood is boiling, and there’s nothing I can do.
“I know it’s your sister. But you gotta understand… Vickie is like a goddess around here. Nobody here would do anything to hurt her. She’s not getting raped. I would never let anything bad happen to her.”
“Yeah but… that guy… I mean…”
“It’s ok bud, trust me. She’s here of her own free will. Sorry man.”
I look around, everyone’s staring. Everyone except Vanessa and some guy with his head in her cleavage. Fucker. I thought she was waiting for me…
“Well… Vanessa and Michele are like sisters to me too!” I think I’m sounding whiny, I’m trying to be all tough but it isn’t working. Fuck!
“They are also protected buddy. We… love them and would never hurt them.”
This all sounds like bullshit to me, but what can I do. I’m just standing there huffing and puffing, getting all red and looking stupid.
Tiny hands me an emtpy shot glass, then points to the wall.
I throw the shot glass, it explodes rather pleasantly and makes a nice little crashing noise.
I make a feint, like I’m going to try and get around him. He, of course, doesn’t flinch.
“If she’s harmed, in ANY WAY, you guys are FUCKED! Starting with YOU!” I know that under that rough exterior, Tiny definitely feels threatened by me. Maybe not.
Michele is looking at me with kind of sad eyes. Vanessa is occupied with tit-guy.
I storm down the stairs, half-blind with rage and anger.
Jennifer calls to me but I just keep going.
I’m just charging along the grass…
“David… wait a minute…” It’s Michele. I don’t want her to see me like this.
“David… stop… come on… DAVEY!”
I twirl around. I HATE ‘Davey’!
But she smiles at me and says “Got you to stop, didn’t I?… oh honey…”
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