“Mmmmmm, that perfect. Please….please don’t stop.”
Neil was enjoying himself too much to even consider stopping anytime soon. He never thought he would get a second chance, yet there he was. He did his best, hoping he might want to come back for more. He took a chance and quickly excused himself. He ran to his room and came back in a flash with some lube. He applied some to his hand and started slowly stroking Sean’s cock, fighting the urge to take him into his mouth. He slowly moved both his hands up and down Sean’s stiff cock, enjoying the feel of holding his dick in his hands.
He could hear Sean breathing harder and harder as he picked up speed. Sean had gotten comfortable as Neil stroked his cock and was now sitting on the edge of the sofa. He couldn’t get enough of Neil’s wonderful handjob and started wishing that Neil was a girl when he suddenly felt the urge to fuck him. The thought of fucking his best friend if he was a girl morphed into realizing that he could fuck him, even if he wasn’t a girl.
Neil could sense that his friend was close to cumming, he was breathing faster and faster and he could see his balls tighting up, ready to explode. He threw caution to the wind and lowered his head to lick the perfect cock he held in his hands.
“Oh fuck! Oh, fuck. That feel’s so fucking good!” Sean exclaimed. All kinds of crazy thoughts were going through Sean’s head for the next ten seconds before he came, shooting what felt like gallons of cum on Neil’s face. Neil had taken it a step further and had been rewarded with hot cum all over his face from the one man he desired most in his life. The whole thing was beyond belief for Neil as he
opened his mouth, trying to take in as much cum as possible.
When it was all over, he got up and showered, once again in turmoil with what he had allowed to happen. What bothered Sean the most was the thought he was having at the moment of climax. He no longer wished that Neil was a girl, he started wondering what would it feel like to fuck him. That erotic thought was what had pushed him over edge. ‘How could a thought like that make me cum?’ he asked himself. I don’t fuck guys, I fuck girls. I love pussy. What the fuck was that about?!?
He put the thought out of his head and justified it to himself that it was just a handjob. Of course it’s going to feel good. It’s not like his cock knew who the hand belonged to. His hand was warm and he’s been with a few guys, of course he’s going to be good at it. The fact was that deep down inside, part of what aroused him was that fact that it was Neil holding his cock. In the past, he’d been curious about Neil’s life and had wondered what it would be like to be with a man. During these thoughts, it was always Neil that he pictured naked. It as something he never shared with anyone.
He accepted the explantiion of it just being a warm hand with tons of experiece as to why he had loved it so much. Over the next several months, handjobs become a thing between the two roommates, especially when Stacey worked long hours and she and Sean would go for days without seeing each other. Sean was a young virile man that had found a substitute for his girlfriends. Besides, it always felt better when it was someone else’s warm hand on your cock.
At first, it was maybe once a week, maybe in the middle of the week, but soon the frequency increased from 1-2 times a week to 3-4 times. There were times that Sean would unconsciously cut his weekends short with Stacey just to come home to let Neil jack him off. He loved the adrenaline it gave him knowing it was a man who was making him cum.
Over time, there was a change in their relationship. In the past, Sean had always talked to Neil like he would with any other guy, referring to him by his name or dude or maybe even fucker at tiimes. However, as time progressed, he starting using more and more cute pet names for him, such as babe, honey, sweetie. He also got more comfortable lettng Neil know when he needed a handjob, it was no longer something he felt he needed to whisper.
“Sweetheart, can you come here, please? I’ve got something hard between my legs just for you.”
Neil loved when Sean used the different names for him. He knew he was only joking, but it allowed him to fantasize what it would be like if they were in a real relationship. In his fantasies, he was the loving and obedient boyfriend coming to the living room to give his big, muscular boyfriend some pleasure. He also allowed himself to fantasize how Sean’s big burly body would feel like on top of him as he overtook him from behind.
Neil took on the role a girfriend would play around the apartment. He would race home to make dinner for both of them, always takng into consideration what Sean would like to have. When he did his laundry, he would insist on doing Sean’s, telling him it was no bother.
When it was time to jack him off, he would often apply some make up, trying to make himself look pretty for his “boyfriend.” He was a submissive at heart and loved dressing up for his boyfriends in the past. He had plenty of outfits he was dying to wear for him, but afraid to scare him away by givng him too much too quickly. At times, however, he would even wear sexy silk shorts that came right above the bottom of his ass, allowing the bottom part of his tight ass to hang out, very similar to what Stacey would wear when she came over to visit, if she wasn’t walking around in her panties.
What came along with that was Sean also started treating him like a girlfriend. Sean would do it playfully, not recognizing the feelings he started developing for Neil. He would come home and hug his “girlfriend” from behind as he playfully kissed him on the cheek, asking him wha was for dinner. It excited him feeling Sean’s strong arms pull him against big strong body.
Over time, things moved from the sofa to the bedroom. Neil had suggested it, claiming Sean would be more comfortable laying down. It went from Sean undressing himself before getting into bed to Neil undressing him. The first time it happened, it caught Sean by surprise, but he very quickly realized how arousing it felt. Once again, dismissing it as normal reaction.
“Stop! Let me do that for you. You just relax and let me take care of my baby.”
“Oh, okay.” Sean could feel his cock getting hard when he heard Neil call him ‘my baby’. WTF? Why is that getting me hard, he wondered, but still he allowed him to continue.
Neil would always take his time as he stroked his new “boyfriend’s” cock. It was relaxing for them both. Stacey was never as patient as Neil. She did it for him to get off. When Neil did it, it was to help him relax and get rid of all the stress from the day. His approach was very similar to a spa treatment for his cock. When Sean was totally relaxed, his thoughts would wander off. He would look over at Neil and feel the urge to kiss him as he closed his eyes and imagined it happening. The moment their lips met, he would snap out of it. What the fuck? But he would never stop himself. This was a reoccuring daydream.
With Neil walking around the apartment in a tight tank top and the sexy shorts that showed off a glimpse of his asscheeks at the bottom, Sean would find himself sneaking peaks when Neil had his back to him. He could feel his cock getting hard and excused it as feeling horny, not having seen Stacey in a while. But, he could only lie to himself for so long.
Neil started recognizing that he felt jealosy when Stacey would come over. They would start settling into a routine, where almost on a nightly basis he had his hands wrapped around Sean cock until Stacey would come over and distrupt everything. The moaning and groaning he heard from the other side of the shared wall only made it worse. He knew Sean would never really be his, but that did not keep him from wishing it was him that Sean was making love to. It was him that was lovingly sucking on Sean fat cock.
A change that happened over time, that perhaps Stacey did not really pick up on was the relationship between the two long-time friends. Sean and Neil certaintly did not. Sean acted like more than just a good friend and roommate, they were sweeter to each other than they had normally been. One time when Stacey caught Sean using the word sweetheart when speaking with Neil, he right aways started laughing, asking why he would call him that.
“Wow! Ha, ha, ha. Did you just call him ‘sweetheart’? You guys have benn living together too long. You guy are starting to act like an old married couple.”
Both guys just laughed it off and played along with her comment, agreeing they probably did sound like a married couple. From then on, Stacey referred to Neil as Sean’s girlfriend and encouraged Sean to use terms like sweetie, honey, or babe towards Neil.
They might be going to bed and Stacey would say something like “Aren’t you gonna say good-night to your girlfriend?” They would be in bed,naked as they were starting to make love and Stacey would ask him “Are you sure it’s ok with your girlfriend if you fuck me tonight? Did you get her permission?” Sean would only laugh off her comments, trying hard not to sound nervous since she was so close to the truth. In turn, she would jokingly refer to Sean as Neil’s boyfriend.
She was up early on a Saturday morning and walked into the kitchen to find Neil alread getting the coffee started.
“Oh, hi Neil. Good morning!”
“Good moring.”
“How are you today?”
“In need of coffee, ha ha ha!”
“Oh, I know what you mean. I don’t know how your boyfriend does it. He jumps in and out of the shower and he is wide awake. Not me, I definitely need my coffee in the morning.”
Other times, the three of them might be making plans for lunch. Neil would ask Stacey if there was anywhere in particular she might want to go, and she would answer “I really don’t care. Whereever you and your boyfriend wanna go is fine by me,” not knowing what her comments did to Neil. It would drive him crazy knowing Sean was only his when she wasn’t around.
Bill says
Really intrigued with your erotic friends story.
You put great feeling into it. Left me hoping it was a novel lol. Keep up the erotic good work