On the work front, Bianca and Rachel had reached a good level of understanding. They weren’t exactly friends, but Bianca thought Rachel was a good working girl – a ‘friendly, filthy fuck’ – and Rachel had come to respect Bianca as a Domme and for making Sammie her ‘sex slave’ as she jokingly put it. Neither Sammie nor Bianca corrected her.
It wasn’t until one of Rachel’s regulars made a joke about Sammie’s nose ring did she learn the truth.
“Sammie isn’t a dog!” Rachel refuted angrily.
“No, no, that’s not what I meant. She isn’t a dog, she is a, you know, a Dog.”
“What the fuck does that mean? Listen, you are insulting my friend, so just fuck off with that shit!” Rachel was steaming.
The punter held his hands up. “Hey, I mean a Dog with a capital ‘D’. Sammie likes dogs if you get my drift.” Seeing Rachel was none the wiser, he said: “Look,” he accessed a website address on his phone. “You can use my login. I’m not dissing Sammie. Far from it.”
Rachel did and spent 5 minutes watching her best friend, cool, sensible Sammie, on all fours getting fucked by Archie. And clearly loving it judging by her orgasm. No, orgasms.
“Fuck!” She exclaimed. “Fuck that is hot!”
“So why didn’t you tell me?” Rachel asked the next evening at Sammie’s house. Bianca had left her uncollared.
“I thought you might not want to know me or something,” said Sammie truthfully.
“Why would I do that? You’ve helped me enough over the years, you think I would just forget all that because you turned into a kinky bitch?” Rachel smiled. “I’ve been dying for you to turn as weird as me!”
“Let’s just say that since it all happened its taken a lot of adjusting to and maybe I haven’t always thought things through clearly. I’m sorry for not telling you.”
“No worries. I don’t always tell you everything either. So you and Bianca are not lovers, you are not her sex slave?” Rachel asked as Bianca came in with a bottle of wine
“No,” both girls said. “Archie is my lover,” continued Sammie. “Main lover, anyway.” It always thrilled Sammie to say this out loud.
“And I still fuck guys as a rule,” said Bianca handing Rachel a glass. “I’m her owner, which reminds, me given Rachel is up to speed, you should be properly dressed, Sammie.”
Sammie nodded. Bianca had not given her a glass. “One last thing, Rachel. If Bianca permits it, I would love it if you could attend the Titchester Fetish Festival on Saturday with us.”
“I would love to,” replied Rachel, watching Sammie get undressed.
Bianca thought about it as she fastened Sammie’s collar. “Fine by me. Meet us here around 11:30 am.”
Sammie woofed in delight.
The Titchester Fetish Festival
The Fetish Festival was a bi-annual event, and the summer edition was a high point for all those citizens involved in the varied and numerous sub-cultures that underpinned Titchester. From drag queens to heifers, Squires to mares, cows to Dog, straight to gay and all shades in between, everyone and anyone attended in their dress code of choice.
Bianca was ‘suited and booted‘ in black, with a white shirt and a tie that matched Sammie’s ‘Dog colours’ of cerise with charcoal trim and a teal barcode which when scanned read: ‘This Dog is the property of Bianca Harris’. Her hair was slicked down ‘1920’s’ style for a masculine look.
For the festival, Bianca was ‘squiring’ Rachel who had gone ‘ultra fem’ with a deep scarlet frock, matching heels and a yellow straw sun hat with a black ribbon.
“Are we a couple for the day?” Rachel asked with a smile that hinted at their past antagonisms.
“I guess so,” said Bianca putting her hand on Rachel’s knee “I do like the scarlet look.”
“I am a prostitute, so the colour seemed appropriate. Are you okay with that, kind sir?” She left Bianca’s hand on her knee.
“I like whores,” replied Bianca, putting the car in gear. “We okay at the back?”
Sammie was collared, intending to change into her Dog alter ego at the festival. Archie was in the rear in his cage. Bianca got two woofs in acknowledgement.
The festival officially opened at midday, but many got there early, and there was a buzz of excitement about the place. The tents and marquees were already showing a good attendance, vendors were selling their wares catering for all manner of fetishes and desires, the smell of burger, curry and Chinese food was heavy in the air.
Rachel and Sammie hooked their arms through Bianca’s with Archie in tow and made their way to the Dog events arena looking for the ‘Transformation’ tent.
Inside owners and Dogs were milling about excitedly. They pushed there way through to a dressing station where a young woman in her late twenties was taking details.
“Hi, I’m Clare, can I have your name and the name of your Dog and dog?” The attendant asked brightly.
Bianca gave her details and confirmed their colours for the show.
“A lovely choice of colours,” said Clare as Sammie undressed and climbed onto the dressing station, her short hair already tied in cerise and charcoal bunches. “Do you need any help?” Clare continued.
“If you have time, that would be great,” said Bianca taking out Sammie’s best coat. Rachel looked on in fascination.
Bianca and Clare quickly got to work dressing Sammie in her charcoal paws and pads. Clare attached the charcoal ‘bob’ to Sammie’s anal plug, chatting as she did so.
“This is a lovely coat, Mr Haarland did an excellent job.” Haarland’s tailors dealt with all Dog accessories including paws and tails.
“Thanks,” said Bianca. “We are fairly new to the scene so its been a steep learning curve.”
“Oh, I know,” smiled Clare. “Your Dog has created quite a stir,” she patted Sammie’s behind affectionately.
“Are you heavily into the culture?” Rachel asked refastening some of Sammie’s hair decorations.
“A few years now. My mother was my Dad’s Dog before that, so I kind of knew about it without knowing all the details. Then my Dad left when I was 21, nice present, huh? And my Mum struggled in all kinds of ways so I took over responsibility for her and she is now with me and my husband.”
“In what way did she struggle? If you don’t mind me being nosey,” asked Rachel. They had just about finished dressing Sammie.
“No, not at all. It‘s important we be open with each other as a community. It was just lost, years of being a Dog, and before that heavily submissive, meant it couldn’t cope by itself, like any other pet really.”
“Is it here today?” Bianca asked, leading Sammie down off the dressing station.
Clare nodded. “Yes. My husband Barry will be showing it. Green coat with purple trim. Dark hair. He’s taken it for a walk around the fair.”
Bianca and Rachel thanked Clare, and they exited the tent to pick up Archie. Dog/Sammie rushed to him, catching Bianca by surprise. She jerked back hard on Dog/Sammie and swatted her rump with the end of the leash.
“Why do you call Dogs ‘it’ and not ‘her’?” Rachel queried.
Bianca shrugged. Sammie and Archie were now sniffing and tonguing each other. Several onlookers stopping to watch Sammie and the other Dogs coming out of the tent, reunite with their mates. “So sweet,” one woman smiled to her husband.
“Tradition. When all this started a few decades ago, I guess it was an attempt to dehumanise them. It’s like they are not allowed names or long hair.”
Rachel pondered this as they moved along, her arm hooked through her Squire’s. “That sounds wrong to me. They should have names. To me, she’s still Sammie and should be addressed by her sex and not as an object.”
Dog/Sammie looked up and woofed agreement.
“Oh, don’t you start” grumbled Bianca as a gaggle of Queens surrounded them in an attempt to sell tickets to their Burlesque show.
“Ah, so Sammie has mentioned this?” Rachel said triumphantly, after politely declining the ticket offer
“Yes, and she’s not the only one.”
“Don’t you mean ‘it’?” Rachel pointed out sweetly.
“Oh, fuck off” replied Bianca smiling “Okay, some of the younger generation Dogs think the traditions need updating. I’m not fussed, but there is talk.”
“Bianca!” A voice boomed.
“Billy,” acknowledged Bianca. She introduced Rachel to a middle-aged man with his Dog and dog. A blonde, heavy woman in her early forties in a cream coat. The two male dogs sniffed each other warily but Dog/Sammie and Dog/Blonde snickered and licked each other in warm greeting.
“Have you seen the new Dog stalls?” Billy asked, then continued when Bianca shook her head. “Four separate stalls, padded and adjustable so your Dog is fitted in nice and tight to allow male dogs access for mating. Just line up the hounds and off they go!” He grinned. “Dog is down for a session. It’s very excited.”
“I’ll sign it up,” said Bianca. Sammie woofed at the news.
“What’s your Dog’s name?” Rachel asked innocently.
Billy stopped smiling. “Dog,” he said, looking at Bianca.
Bianca dug Rachel in the ribs. “It’s all new to her,” she explained.
“Okay, just don’t want this naming business spreading,” said Billy “Already had one Dog thrown out today. They stitched a name into its coat.”
“Shocking,” said Rachel with a straight face.
Billy frowned but took it at face value. “You should also check out the Pee Bar and the Grope and Fuck Maze. Organisers have added some real quality attractions this year.”
Dog/Sammie was now licking the Alsatians balls and Dog/Blonde was tonguing Archie.
“Dogs will be Dogs,” shrugged Bianca.
“Got that right!” Billy laughed, tugging on the leashes as he moved on.
“Barbara is the Dog’s name,” said Bianca, “and can we not organise a ‘Dog’s Rights’ protest today?”
“You’re the boss, honey,” said Rachel. “But no promises about tomorrow. Shall we get Sammie booked into the stalls before all the slots are taken? Assuming she is keen – I’ll take that happy woof as a yes!” She patted both Sammie and Archie.
Dave was the stalls organiser with Dog/Claire chained to a post alongside Truck. Bianca let Sammie and Archie greet them and introduced Rachel to Dave.
“Already reserved you some spots. It’s going to be a pretty wild spectacle. We have more male dogs than Dogs, some experienced, some not, so your Dog is going to be pretty well used at the end of this. We even have a stall for beginners,” added Dave looking at Rachel. “Just for ladies who fancy trying it out.”
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