Anyone for Tennis, Menace, Dennis?By Nikki KernoviiChapter 13–A Walk In the WoodsThe Forest had some real weird and wonderful rock formations. We had a lot of rock in The Dales, and I had walked a good few of those over the years, but nothing quite like the boulders and caves, tunnels, valleys and sandy terrain
Anyone for Tennis, Dennis? Ch. 02: Bummer
Anyone for Tennis, Menace, Dennis?Chapter 2 — Bummer*”Jools Hi! Yer reet duck?”I turned. “Hey Sarah. Didn’t see you here earlier.””Yeah. Weren’t.” She half covered her mouth as if hiding her words. “Just snuck in at the end to have a nose round and snaffle some free grub.” She sniggered.Not as much of a cheap-skate as