Remy held my head, Amelie held my hips steady as Dennis pulled more, and I slowly rose off the ground.
Remy kept hold to stop me banging my head. Dennis kept pulling on the rope until my head was a couple of feet off the ground.
Exactly at the same height as Remy’s cock.
It was a small cock. Not minute. But smaller than any that I had experienced. She was shaved naked.
And the most striking thing!
She had no balls. No bollocks. No testicles. No Nuts. A sausage with no beans.
I was lost in studying Remy’s cock, that I almost took it in my mouth. But just then, she stood back, and walked away. I felt a mild disappointment.
My hands above… Below? My head, could not quite reach the ground.
I could not see what Dennis was doing with the rope. He must had fixed it to something, because a moment later he came over to me.
“Ok My little one?”
“So far.” I said. I could already feel my blood beginning to pool in my head.
“Ankles? Legs? These are ok?”
“Yeah.” Actually, the loops and knots he had done were surprisingly supportive.
“Shout when you have enough. If not… Just enjoy. This will be different.”
Different all right.
With a gentle push Dennis set me swinging.
One moment I could see Remy and Amelie spreading a blanket on the ground at the far side of the clearing. The next moment I was looking at the huge girth of the ancient oak tree.
Remy and Amelie snuggled on the blanket and were having a snog.
The gnarly wood, had lumps and broken branches all over the trunk.
Rocks and roots of the other trees surrounded the clearing.
My reflections were interrupted by a most weird sensation. Dennis had some form of greenery. A plant or a handful of long green leaves or branches that he was using. When I swung past him and he brushed me with them, they were gentle. Almost ticklish. When I swung back again, Dennis would swing the branches as well to give a broad whack across whichever bit of my body that he could reach at the time.
Tickle, whack, tickle, whack, tickle, whack.
And so it went.
I was getting hot at the tingling pain over my exposed skin.
Being upside down and getting dizzy just made the whole thing weird.
I think I would have preferred a good spanking, but Dennis did like to do things differently.
When Dennis stopped and put the branches down, he held my bottom so that I stopped swinging.
“Ok. Little one?”
“Yeah I guess. Bit weird. Never been upside down like this. But it is OK.”
He stroked my bottom. Then because it was nearly the same height as his head, he kissed it.
If he had turned me around, I would happily have given him an upside down blow-job.
That was a strange thought.
I used to do that sort of thing reluctantly for previous boyfriends, but it seemed like the right thing to do to please Dennis. Because I wanted to please him.
Was that what Amelie meant? She was willing to do strange things, and move out of her comfort zone and usual behaviour to please Remy. Because she wanted to please Remy.
My thoughts were interrupted by the woman herself. “You Ok Julie?” She asked.
“Yeah Ok. Thanks.”
Just then I felt a soft touch on my pussy.
Gods! Was that her? Was that Amelie kissing my pussy lips?
That was a first.
My only other woman to woman experience had been fingers only with Emma a few weeks earlier.
After the initial surprise, I realised that it was pleasant. I wasn’t repulsed.
I don’t know why I should have thought I would be repulsed. Strange expectations.
“Hmm. That’s nice.” I said, voicing my thoughts aloud.
“You like?” Amelie asked. “I wanted to try, and you seemed available.” She giggled.
I had been swinging with my eyes half closed. Now I opened them. Amelie was right in front of me. Her neat triangle of pussy was right at my head height.
I had never studied pussy. Not even my own really.
Amelie had thick, pink, lips, neatly shaved, with a tight, thin, slit. She had almost no sun-tan lines. I wondered if she was another, like Francine and Francois who were comfortable going naked a lot.
As she leaned forward to plant another kiss on my pussy, hers came within reach, so I returned the favour.
Amelie giggled again. She had a light sexy way of giggling. Like an exaggerated version of her light sexy voice.
Ok. A first for me too.
I might try that again. Except not right now as she was out of reach and I couldn’t move.
“I like.” Amelie said.
I could hear Dennis and Remy chuckling in the background.
“My naughty Amelie, really is a Lesbian.” Remy said.
“Non.” Amelie replied. “I love you because of you. I just wanted to… to have a try. Maybe I could. But I love you.” She returned to wrap her arms around Remy.
“You ready to continue, little one?” Dennis asked.
“Yes. I’m Ok. I’m Ready.” I was. I wanted more.
He set me swinging and spinning again.
I shut my eyes.
Dennis started again: With the brushes, the tickles, the swipes or the full hard whacks. But even more random than earlier.
I had no idea what was coming or where it would touch, strike, hit me.
Hit me. Brush me. Strike me. Hit me. Tickle me. Touch me.
Touch me. Me. Me. Me.
I let it wash over me. Let myself drift to feel it.
Feel my skin. Feel the tingle. Feel the glow. Feel the warmth. Feel the heat rising.
Feel the world drift away.
Feel myself drift away. Away.
Something was happening, somewhere.
I could hear birds singing in the trees. There was a mumbled conversation. Remy? Amelie?
They were so far away. Little dots down a long, dark, bright, glowing, dim, tunnel.
Somewhere there was a bright light. Brightness. All around me.
I was drifting in a warm pool of water but was not getting wet.
I was drifting in the galaxy.
In the universe. Drifting. Away. Away.
There. There was my mother. The bitch. Shouting. Running away with that horrid man.
What was his name? Did it matter?
‘Mother. Mummy? Why won’t you talk to me?’
Does it matter?
Her face drifted away. Away. Away in the distance. With a dark cloud that drifted and was gone.
‘Mother.’ Was that my voice or something else? Or my imagination?
‘Father? Daddy? Always so sad. Let me hug you, Daddy! Let me comfort you. Daddy. Come back to me.’ But he too drifted away.
‘Dave. David.’ I remember you. That slime-ball, useless, fumbling, teen who took my virginity. Then bragged to all his mates. Idiot. He did not matter. He was just being a boy. He drifted away. Away. Away. Away.
‘Richard. Dear Richard. I think I loved you. But you went away.’ And he too went away.
‘Jeff? Who were you? Jeff? We were never really made for each other were we?’ And his face faded and drifted away.
‘Chris?’ Chris Underwear… wood… Underwood! Chris Underwood. Another slime-ball. The manager at my first job. Hands everywhere. Looking. Leering. But I was young and inexperienced. I never did report him. Glad I got the job at the Estate agents. That was better.
So he drifted away. Away. Away.
I was so far away.
‘Larry? Hah Larry. Yeah I was using you as much as you were using me. I don’t even remember your face.’ And his faded body faded away. Away. Gone in the distant stars of the distant galaxy.
Away. Away. Everything went away.
I was a burning bush. A red hot poker in a fire. But a nice fire. A silk worm in a cocoon. A cocoon of warm.
I was in… Bliss? Nirvana? Heaven? Happiness?
Oh yes.
Somewhere out there.
“Little one?”
There were voices.
Who were they?
“Julie? Come back to us Julie.”
Come back? Where to? Where was I? Was I Julie?
Oh yes in a cocoon.
No I had a body.
There were hands. Squillions of hands touching me. Stroking me.
I DID have a body.
There! Hands on MY arms. I had arms that glowed. That moved. Fingers. Yes!
Hands on my legs. I had legs. They felt like legs.
Hands on my belly. Stroking. Comforting.
Hands on my vulva. My pussy.
I was a woman! I had a pussy. Oh yes I had a pussy. A hot pussy.
A clit! Oh sweet gods. My clitoris. My little friend.
“Aghhhhhhh.” Something was stroking my little pleasure button.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Was that me? It was a voice. It felt like mine but did not sound like mine.
That was an orgasm. What a strange word for that feeling. A Climax. A cum. A hot explosion in my head.
I was laying down. I had a head. Someone was stroking my head.
“Julie. Are you there?”
“Little one.”
There were those voices again.
“Yes.” I croaked. I think that was me. I could feel the vibration in my mouth.
Water cascaded over me. A waterfall. Warm, sweet, water filled my mouth.
I chocked and coughed.
Shit! What a way to come back from heaven.
More water. I swallowed.
That felt better.
And worse.
The water soothed my throat.
But I was laying on a blanket on the ground with sunshine on my face.
Someone was holding my head.
“Are you ok little one?”
“Yes!” That was more like me.
The bright light had gone. But I could still feel it. Remember it. That feeling.
I opened my eyes.
Three faces were staring down at me.
Dennis? Oh yes Dennis.
And Remy. And Amelie.
They looked worried.
“Are you ok. Julie? You were mumbling and crying out.”
“Was I?” I opened my eyes further.
I was in a glade. A clearing in a wood.
Oh yes. I was in France.
Not in heaven.
Oh Well. It was fun while it lasted.
I sighed. And tried to move.
My body came back to me.
It still glowed. I was tingling alive.
I let my head sink back onto the lap. I think it was Remy.
There were still hands stroking me.
“Whatever that was. I never want to give it up.” I managed to whisper.
“You went somewhere?” I think that was Dennis asking.
“Yes.” I tried to describe the feeling. The places I had been. The feeling of detachment.
“I am pleased for you.” Dennis said. It sounded as if he was almost wistful.
“It is good? This feeling?” Amelie asked.
“Oh yes. Better than anything.”
“I have heard Sandrine say this.” She said. “I would like to feel it. But it frightens me.”
“Yeah. Me too.” I admitted.
I felt that I had recovered enough energy to sit up, even though my butt still hurt.
“Thank you. Thanks all of you. For your care and comfort. It means a lot to me.”
Remy handed me another bottle of water.
Amelie unpacked a picnic: Spiced sausage, Fresh Baguette, Yummy cheeses, Fruit.
We all sat cross legged around the food, piled into the middle of the blanket.
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